I tried to print out some graphs recently and noticed the grey's were coming out reddish. I didn't worry about it, but now I need to print out some photos and the same thing is happening.
I've tried doing the cleaning, nozzle checks but I can't seem to fix it.
This is what the nozzle check looks like
The strip of grey's is brown/red'ish. It looks like the cyan might be a bit weak too?
These are the inks I'm using. I have recently replaced them. I have used them in the past with no issues.
Any thoughts?
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I tried to print out some graphs recently and noticed the grey's were coming out reddish. I didn't worry about it, but now I need to print out some photos and the same thing is happening.
I've tried doing the cleaning, nozzle checks but I can't seem to fix it.
This is what the nozzle check looks like
The strip of grey's is brown/red'ish. It looks like the cyan might be a bit weak too?
These are the inks I'm using. I have recently replaced them. I have used them in the past with no issues.
Any thoughts?
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