Oct 7, 2014 #1 R rsuryase Getting Fingers Dirty Joined Dec 3, 2010 Messages 42 Reaction score 6 Points 24 Just bought this from ebay from a liquidator, I get Printer error 0xEA. I noticed a white plastic is preventing the printer head from moving. Do I need to remove this white plastic and how? If not, then is this printer defective? Attachments IMG_0241.JPG 151.7 KB · Views: 927 IMG_0242.JPG 154.1 KB · Views: 991
Just bought this from ebay from a liquidator, I get Printer error 0xEA. I noticed a white plastic is preventing the printer head from moving. Do I need to remove this white plastic and how? If not, then is this printer defective?
Oct 7, 2014 Thread starter #2 R rsuryase Getting Fingers Dirty Joined Dec 3, 2010 Messages 42 Reaction score 6 Points 24 It appears to be defective, that white plastic is supposedly be able move up and down to lock and unlock the printer head in place.
It appears to be defective, that white plastic is supposedly be able move up and down to lock and unlock the printer head in place.