Epson Stylus Pro 9600 - size and general query.


Printing Ninja
Dec 22, 2016
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Thank you very much for that, I will have a look at Aomya - and I too have noticed that sometimes it is cheaper to buy mulitple smaller items than a single "bulk pack". Oddly the same "dear in bulk" situation often applies in UK supermarkets too. 485g of gloop for £1 or the "Value 2Kg pack for only £4.99". Strange world.

ArgyllCMS is something I will search for on here and see what I can find. I realise the need for a reference colour target so that the software can first calibrate the output from the scanner.

I am not really after "gallery quality" output so I think for me just one profile on coated matte paper is likely to be about spot on for 90% of the things I will do - and if I use something else - then I will accept that there might be a bit of a colour shift but probably nothing too heinous for general purpose stuff.

Marrutt I have looked at - but at around £90 per litre in the UK (£ 560 initial cost) was a little on the high side for me. I will have a search for the other two though and see what I can find.

Many thanks.

Ink stained Fingers

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I was told by a Chinese supplier that they only can ship less than a litre of liquid via China postal services , that's the cheap and slow mode, courier services start at 50 - 70€ even for pretty small shipments, that makes a big difference if your ink only costs 25€/litre, so all such offers quote a courier service separately. I wouldn't need the ink tomorrow, I always ask whether they have another courier service cheaper than the typical ones , and yes, I have saved some money by that - e.g. 45€ instead of 70€ for transportation. And there is another aspect, if you have to go to customs to get it out - import charges/tax/duty are based on landed cost - which includes this or that freight rate.


Printing Ninja
Dec 22, 2016
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Ahh, that would make sense I guess - and indeed I have noted that they can send me over a small circuit board (eg: a little pre-amplifier) INCLUDING carriage for 99p yet if I buy an item that weighs rather more (for example a small display laser) then the carriage charge is around the level you say - some $40 - $80 (they seems to always price in USD) - which can often make a "well priced item" seem borderline expensive.

I suppose this may also be why some sellers seems to favour the 800ml bottle - I guess that complete with packing materials it comes in at just under 1Kg which I guess is their limit.

Mind you, I would much rather pay the price (postal or courier) from China to the UK than the other way around. A few years ago I needed to return a defective laser and I think it cost me around £120 to send back.

Mind you, if I wanted to set up a business selling pencils, it would be cheaper to buy them in the UK at retail prices, send them in one bulk shipment China and then pay china post to send them back to customers in the UK!

A single pencil when inside a DL envelope transforms magically into a "large letter" as far as the UK Post Office is concerned due to "thickness limits". It used to be based on weight - but now it is based on weight and/or thickness and/or length.

As a funny digression, you can sometimes find that a rod is just a shade too long to send in the post - too long by a cm or two. BUT if you place it diagonally in a box, then they are happy as they measure length, width and depth of a box - not the diagonal - so your rod gets to go as a small parcel after all once you house it in a "smaller" box! The wonders of the British Post Office.

Ink stained Fingers

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Dec 27, 2014
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L805, WF2010, ET8550, T3100X
some of such sizing requirements relate to the machinery sorting mail in the collection and dispatch centers - it's all highly automated and running with very high speed, and odd sizes may by sorted out for a different route in the machines - larger sizes - thicker envelope, and there is always some mail left requiring manual handling at the end - pencils and such.....