Epson Pro 3880 new maintenance tank T5820 not accepted by printer


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Thinking outside the box, you may find that a chip resetter for that particular tank, may be the way forward. They are available relatively inexpensively via eBay and a few other sources.

Just out of interest, did you buy the replacement tank from the same source?

Harry Briels

Printer Guru
Aug 10, 2014
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Mechelen Belgium
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EPSON Pro 3880 & Canon MX925
Thinking outside the box, you may find that a chip resetter for that particular tank, may be the way forward. They are available relatively inexpensively via eBay and a few other sources.

Just out of interest, did you buy the replacement tank from the same source?

I already purchased a chip resetter for the Pro 3880 and did try to reset (showing a green light for oke).
But the problem continues unchanged.
I purchased my first T5280 tank and the 2e tank from different official Epson suppliers.
Both T5280 maintenance tanks are in the same type box, and clearly "original products from Epson".

I no longet have any idea what to do next.
So I have contacted the European Epson support office for help!

Harry Briels

Printer Guru
Aug 10, 2014
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Mechelen Belgium
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EPSON Pro 3880 & Canon MX925
I already purchased a chip resetter for the Pro 3880 and did try to reset (showing a green light for oke).
But the problem continues unchanged.
I purchased my first T5280 tank and the 2e tank from different official Epson suppliers.
Both T5280 maintenance tanks are in the same type box, and clearly "original products from Epson".

I no longet have any idea what to do next.
So I have contacted the European Epson support office for help!

The Hat

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I no longet have any idea what to do next.
I hate it when your printer just stops for no good reason..
Maybe it’s telling you it’s time to switch over to a Canon…
P.S. You could try resetting the old full waste cart and see if it recognises that..

Harry Briels

Printer Guru
Aug 10, 2014
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Mechelen Belgium
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EPSON Pro 3880 & Canon MX925
Thank you!
I did also reset the full cart but this not accepted either.
I wait for Epson customer service.
I will keep you posted!


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I will now advise for the solution.
Preamble: This problem illustrates how complicated even older printers such as the 3880 can be when it comes to electronics. Believe it or not there appears to be either a common bus continually signalling or a single errant bit of a chip can affect the data structure signalling.

The problem is as described above. In certain situations you will end up getting a corrupted signalling data where one chip which behaves properly by itself will interfere with another chip. I will bet that the main ink tank chips are not OEM or have been reset. What is happening is that one of these chips is confusing the processor even though it appears fine to the processor. huh...did that make sense????? When it is solved it does. But it makes none.

I've been down this road before myself.

Here's what to do. Remove all the tanks. Install the maintenance tank. It should now be recognized. Now one at a time install the ink tanks until something happens. You will now get the error when the "culprit" tank is installed. For me it was the magenta. It just happens that at a certain ink level the magenta sent out the incorrect data which collided with the maintenance tank. How to fix? You will need a new chip for the culprit....though the old one will work fine on another machine.

A similar issue I have seen on a Pro-1000. Where a culprit chip ends up injecting bad data on the bus, and the printer end up sending out an error code when nothing is in error. This is why electronics is where I will play it safe henceforth.
Users expecting sellers to know and understand the electronic errors based on chips is futile and a suicide mission. Unless the seller uses the printer extensively and have personally run into the problem or issue, there is the manual, here is the solution. It will become a total nightmare scenario pretty soon especially when solutions are cobbled together and no one will know if it is without bugs.

However, you have your solution. It is not the maintenance tank.
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Hi Harry,

I received your email this weekend: couldn't answer you until now. I know you have the resetter for the waste ink tank: did you tried the reset procedure ? This might work for you, but you will have to reset a second maintenance cartridge too and switch accordingly. Sometimes resetting all the cartridges including the ink cartridges with the resetter might help to overcome your problem.

Harry Briels

Printer Guru
Aug 10, 2014
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Mechelen Belgium
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EPSON Pro 3880 & Canon MX925
I will now advise for the solution.
Preamble: This problem illustrates how complicated even older printers such as the 3880 can be when it comes to electronics. Believe it or not there appears to be either a common bus continually signalling or a single errant bit of a chip can affect the data structure signalling.

The problem is as described above. In certain situations you will end up getting a corrupted signalling data where one chip which behaves properly by itself will interfere with another chip. I will bet that the main ink tank chips are not OEM or have been reset. What is happening is that one of these chips is confusing the processor even though it appears fine to the processor. huh...did that make sense????? When it is solved it does. But it makes none.

I've been down this road before myself.

Here's what to do. Remove all the tanks. Install the maintenance tank. It should now be recognized. Now one at a time install the ink tanks until something happens. You will now get the error when the "culprit" tank is installed. For me it was the magenta. It just happens that at a certain ink level the magenta sent out the incorrect data which collided with the maintenance tank. How to fix? You will need a new chip for the culprit....though the old one will work fine on another machine.

A similar issue I have seen on a Pro-1000. Where a culprit chip ends up injecting bad data on the bus, and the printer end up sending out an error code when nothing is in error. This is why electronics is where I will play it safe henceforth.
Users expecting sellers to know and understand the electronic errors based on chips is futile and a suicide mission. Unless the seller uses the printer extensively and have personally run into the problem or issue, there is the manual, here is the solution. It will become a total nightmare scenario pretty soon especially when solutions are cobbled together and no one will know if it is without bugs.

However, you have your solution. It is not the maintenance tank.
Thank you Miling!

Your advise solved the problem.
My T580B VLM cart seems to have a chip problem.
I managed to get the 3880 functioning again.
But I also ordered a new original VLM cart.

Thank you again!


Ink stained Fingers

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What is happening is that one of these chips is confusing the processor even though it appears fine to the processor. huh...did that make sense????? When it is solved it does. But it makes none.
I can confirm various spooky effects of this type with several Epson printers - at this time P400 and WF2010W - e.g. a cart with a ARC chip is reporting empty - you fill it up and reinsert it and the printer is suddenly reporting 3 other carts as empty which are actually not, or an ARC chip is not resetting if I reinsert the cart into the same printer but it does a reset if I insert this cart into a 2nd printer and then back into the first printer (WF2010W) and some more of that - you can get quite some fun with Epson firmware and ARC and other 3rd party chips.