Dare I buy a Canon IP3000? For photo printing, refilling cartridges


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Platinum Printer Member
Jan 4, 2012
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Canon Pro9000 II
Curiosity led me to print the 1315_color_test image on my 9000 II. Curiosity can lead you into all sorts of trouble! :)

I have tried a number of profiles and intents and am surprised at the variations. I suspect that while this is a very good test image, in the sense that you really can see what is going on. A typical photo image would not noticeably show up the defects.

Regards Ian


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Tin Ho said:
Is it because Canon designed the MX700 to be inferior? It is a possibility. On the other hand the i560 was a great printer. I had a couple at a time and I wish I still had them. So it is probably not appropriate to make a conclusion by comparing the prints from the two printers.
I was really hoping that in terms of how dark black would print, it shouldn't matter what printer was used. I think I may just print a block of solid black on all three printers and scan them to see how they compare.
Tin Ho said:
I downloaded the scans Hat posted and I found one had a wider and the other a narrower empty gap on the left side of the histograms. This tells that one had a darker black than the other. That's why I asked which is printed by which printer. Unfortunately Hat never answered the question. Had he answered it would have been the end of the discussion.
I interpreted his comment in post #30 to mean that A had photo black while B did not.

The Hat

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Tin Ho said:
I downloaded the scans Hat posted and I found one had a wider and the other a narrower empty gap on the left side of the histograms. This tells that one had a darker black than the other. That's why I asked which is printed by which printer. Unfortunately Hat never answered the question. Had he answered it would have been the end of the discussion.
If you had being following the post from the beginning you should have seeing this by Ghwellsjr.

ghwellsjr Could you please print this image on photo paper with your iX4000 and your iP4500 and post the reults:
Followed by...
The Hat wrote:

If not Ill scan them both and post them up for you..
#Then your own thread... #
Tin Ho Which one is printed by which printer?
Then this followed from panos
Panos The difference between A and B is obvious to my dyschromatopic eyes. B doesn't have real black, A does.
Finally my answer...
The Hat wrote: Give that Man a Cigar..
ghwellsjr I interpreted his comment in post #30 to mean that A had photo black while B did not.
Ending with Ghwellsjr and I think he has the last word.

The Hat

Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Jan 18, 2010
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Residing in Wicklow Ireland
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Canon/3D, CR-10, CR-10S, KP-3
ghwellsjr said:
I was really hoping that in terms of how dark black would print, it shouldn't matter what printer was used.
I think I may just print a block of solid black on all three printers and scan them to see how they compare.
I think your idea of printing solid black blocks may work and it may not.
I have tried the same some time ago with:-

A black solid using the CYMK slider with 100% black only.
Then tried the slider with all of the colours at 100%,
C = 100, Y = 100, M = 100, and K = 100 and the black solid was totally different.

So by adding one or more colours to the black it will in fact give you different shades of solid black each time.

Now when printed on a three colour printer and a four colour printer this test did show a huge difference in the shades (Density) of black,
the four colour printer won hands down no question and so I gave myself the cigar..

I regularly print solid colours twice one on top of the other (Two passes) to get a much more vivid shade of colour
and on the second pass then add in the black on top..:)