Computer designed for Photoprocessing?


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@The Hat:

I think we have a failure to communicate.

Your recent post is fine and dandy but does not change the fact that Alibaba does not ensure that your purchase meets code for your country. That was and is my point. You could believe that your purchase works well enough, release the funds in escrow and then in a few days, weeks or months you find out the components have fizzled.

A potential case in point are the Canon print heads out of China. Amazing there are so many available there and precious few elsewhere that include the refurbished units we have heard of failures from the get go and the "new" ones that may be in knockoff mylar packaging. Makes me wonder.

Amazon has some exposure on this front. eBay, like Alibaba, certainly does. I bought a Wifi card on eBay for my notebook out of China. The price was, um, very nice. Was it really an Intel card? How would I know.

Alibaba is the Chinese Wild West with a sheriff. You still can get shot but at least you know the lawman will get a measure of justice for your wife and children.

Caveat emptor.

The Hat

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@The Hat

STRONGLY disagee! :ep
OK you’re entitled to, your're not alone, @stratman certainly does, :confused: but remember I have shopped with them quite a bit, from the other side of the planet and that is my story.. :)

I bet you can’t get these dodgy print head through Alibaba, only on EBay..

O’ and yes if your item does get fried you can go back to Alibaba and they will deal with you or the wife and kids whichever is applicable.. :lol: :lol:
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May 13, 2012
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@The Hat:

I think we have a failure to communicate.

Your recent post is fine and dandy but does not change the fact that Alibaba does not ensure that your purchase meets code for your country. That was and is my point. You could believe that your purchase works well enough, release the funds in escrow and then in a few days, weeks or months you find out the components have fizzled.

A potential case in point are the Canon print heads out of China. Amazing there are so many available there and precious few elsewhere that include the refurbished units we have heard of failures from the get go and the "new" ones that may be in knockoff mylar packaging. Makes me wonder.

Amazon has some exposure on this front. eBay, like Alibaba, certainly does. I bought a Wifi card on eBay for my notebook out of China. The price was, um, very nice. Was it really an Intel card? How would I know.

Alibaba is the Chinese Wild West with a sheriff. You still can get shot but at least you know the lawman will get a measure of justice for your wife and children.

Caveat emptor.
USA Apple were bitching a few months ago about their iPhone technology appearing in Chinese made copies, there is no Legal treaty via which Apple with all their squillions of dollars can do to stop it.

Iam NOT China bashing.........simply exposing a seller thats not good to deal with, tho jtoolman says he bought from them ok. I imagine he supplied the wanted phone numbers.......I smelled a rat and so do PayPal..........sellercwould not ship, Alibaba did not step in despite the fact that I did the transaction under an Alibaba password member status.


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Jun 25, 2014
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USA Apple were bitching a few months ago about their iPhone technology appearing in Chinese made copies.....

I argue (thats what this seems to have become) the conversation about Alibaba at this point had good points from @The Hat and others that disagree with his opinion on them, both entirely valid as far i know having never used them (thank god i do not have to pick a firm corner to be in on this one lol).

That latest statement though @3dogs is utterly ridiculous. Apple have a habit of beehatching about everyone and everything pinching their tech not just chinese made fake i-plops. One of their legal cases against Samsung if i remember right was a claim they invented the touch screen and Samsung had copied them. That of course is utterly ridiculous. Apple also claimed at one point they were innovators with "touch screen" computing, again complete poop they obviously never went to the factory to see what computerised CNC device milled out the aluminium for any prototype they came up with and the computing interface that device had. They also claim to have invented "tablet" computing and "touch screen" phones again complete poop, IBM and Lenovo had tablet devices way before them (I owned one from the 90s) Touch screen phones, LG and Motorola were first to that.

They regularly claim features in Android were copied from Apple, id say its more the other way round.... Who copied drop down notifications for one.

Half the time Apple are nothing more than Patent trolls, paying billions of their cult members money to obtain patents on things people either never bothered to patent in the first place (quite often small Chinese companies that can not afford patent and copyright and protect it) or they buy patents from other companies. Apple are a design not a tech company. What technology they claim to have came up with is normally nothing more than patent troll lawyers that believe it, oh and die hard cult like followers of Apple.

Apple make some nice gear but when it comes to claims about who copied what and how "innovative" they can be they are are full of the brown smelly stuff at times.


The Hat

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Iam NOT China bashing.........simply exposing a seller thats not good to deal with, tho jtoolman says he bought from them ok. I imagine he supplied the wanted phone numbers.......I smelled a rat and so do PayPal..........sellercwould not ship, Alibaba did not step in despite the fact that I did the transaction under an Alibaba password member status.
You’ve clearly have had a bad experience with that obnoxious Chinese seller so I can’t blame you wanting to bash him and Alibaba combined, that’s only natural.

Had that been my experience I would have emailed Alibaba and just let them sort it out, but if you hadn’t registered before hand with them, then their response would probability been negative also, Ouch..

I wouldn’t have had the courage to shop in China in the first place had I not heard of Alibaba before hand, nor do I like like purchasing anything from EBay either (Once) so I am very wary of scammers and rats too.

It’s not the loss of the money I mind so much it’s been make to feel a complete fool which is the hardest thing to get over and then once bitten twice comes to mind..


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May 13, 2012
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You’ve clearly have had a bad experience with that obnoxious Chinese seller so I can’t blame you wanting to bash him and Alibaba combined, that’s only natural.

Had that been my experience I would have emailed Alibaba and just let them sort it out, but if you hadn’t registered before hand with them, then their response would probability

I wouldn’t have had the courage to shop in China in the first place had I not heard of Alibaba before hand, nor do I like like purchasing anything from EBay either (Once) so I am very wary of scammers and rats too.

It’s not the loss of the money I mind so much it’s been make to feel a complete fool which is the hardest thing to get over and then once bitten twice comes to mind..

I am a registered member at Alibaba, and log in each time I browse.
One of the values of this community is for us to have the ability to share experiences, I belive my comments, and the other comments have been conducted so there would be no offence taken by an outsider looking in.
In addition by sharing, with other regulars they will now know that if they contact this seller, that a prerequisit for shipment is the supply of personal contact details, that those details WILL be shared, and WILL result in being bombarded with unwanted offers. They will also know that I have been unable to find tick box to prevent such mail either in the sellers web page or in Alibabas. Further they will know that PayPal, after investigation, believe that the supplier had no intention to ship in my case!!

In fact I am currently communicating with another supplier, also on Alibaba, this seller offers in lots of 10 so I would be looking to offer (at cost plus shipping) any spares as they work with both 3880 and 3800




Point of order here.....It is a fact that Apple complained, so my statement can not be rediculous, as it is a statement of fact.
That Apple made the assertion, may indeed be rediculous, and as you say, may indeed have been a poor choice, seems I pushed a button for you, not my intention.

Getting back to the subject took the spec. for the SUPER computer into a builder yesterday..............hell was that one BIG mistake, I am now in the midst of a tech WAR so to speak. My fella I out of his tree about the way the fella achieved the speed and is now furiously requoting......sheesh! computer geeks are real touchy are they not phew!!!!
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Jun 25, 2014
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Point of order here.....It is a fact that Apple complained, so my statement can not be rediculous, as it is a statement of fact.
That Apple made the assertion, may indeed be rediculous, and as you say, may indeed have been a poor choice, seems I pushed a button for you, not my intention.

What Apple say about other companies (Big or Small) and what they claim was stolen half the time is ridiculous, it therefore follows if we are talking ethics and morals that using an example of Apple complaining about the Chinese copying their products is a very weak, bordering ridiculous example to use to back up the claim that the Chinese rip people off and produce poor quality items.

If anyone knows anything about ripping people off in the example you used its Apple who have been doing it with almost cult like brainwashing for years. Even removing the cult element of everything Apple is better, it is still a ridiculous example to use to back up the claim the Chinese rip people off and make poor stuff as that is exactly where Apple products are made.

Even removing where Apple make their stuff and appeasing the cult element that will say "ah but its designed in California" (though what difference that makes i have no idea). Then i would like to question how many people jumped off the roof of the building producing the knock off Apple gear and how many through stress have jumped off the roof of the building producing the real Apple stuff. I bet i can guess who has seen more deaths.

If we are going to question the ETHICS AND MORALS which is what this has become about Chinese companies or question ethics and morals of any person, any company or ANYTHING else, lets not compare them to Apple because knock off gear or not, compared to Apples when it comes to ETHICS AND MORALS Apple in most cases will lose each and every time. No matter how good their stuff is to use Apple has no moral spine and certainly in a real world rather than Apple world have no right to challenge anyone on anything moral.

THAT is what i meant by a ridiculous example of using them as a shining example to bash Chinese stuff. It is not a "button" you have pressed per say but it does irk me when anyone moans about an organisation (in your case Alibaba) and then uses Apple in the next breath as a shining example of a good business trying to stop the bad.


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Didn't even mean to "irk" - just basic FYI for members benefit. @TheHat stated that Alibaba acted as arbiters, I have seen no evidence of that yet. Simply identified a path and supplier, that ,in my opinion did the wrong thing by me. Reading my posts, should have conveyed measured reportage full stop. In order to be balanced and fair to the supplier I stated that jtoolman had purchased from the same seller and was quite happy. Nowhere that I can see have I criticised Alibaba, I have nothing to be critical of in their case, that has been taken up by others.

As to Apple, Microsoft and the plethora of businesses from all over the world that chose to shift their manufacturing away from their own country to China, and now complain(loudly) that their technology appears in products hitherto unknown in China makes the assertion that the Chinese are squeaky clean and Apple wrong is hollow at least, and patently blind to the reality of International trade today.
For the record I am neutral on BIG BUSINESS, I think they are letting the Countries of their origin down by moving offshore, and as a result i have no respect/sympathy for any of their harping.

I will not be commenting further as this is all off subject, and IMHO not in the spirit of this Forum. Thus far we have been able to keep this within the realms of polite discussion.
Because this is a subject on which I hold firm and radicle social views, for me this is as far as I go.
Hope you can be understanding of my withdrawal, no disrespect intended at all.



I would rather be saying thank you for your input on my computer question, the specification you posted has been a real revelation to the company i am looking to use to build my new computer. Your input will I am SURE, get me to a better outcome by far than I would have done had you not chosen to post the specification - THANKS!
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I will not be commenting further as this is all off subject, and IMHO not in the spirit of this Forum. Thus far we have been able to keep this within the realms of polite discussion.
Because this is a subject on which I hold firm and radicle social views, for me this is as far as I go.
Hope you can be understanding of my withdrawal, no disrespect intended at all.

Differing opinions can often lead to negativity in one form or another. That was not my intention towards yourself. If you feel it was then i would like to apologise.

I can not comment on Alibaba either way as i have never used them, what i can say is IF (and it is a big IF) they speak the truth on then i would not be shocked if they do act as a middle man if things go wrong as reading their FAQ and help section they will even go and inspect factories to ensure goods are at a standard and being produced before allowing them as a seller. Of course that could just be all talk it may not happen at all in reality. I can not say for sure.

China IMO gets a bad rep though. Yes some stuff from there is junk, the same could be said for anywhere in the world, they just get it in the neck more and have more superfluous complaints as they produce more stuff nowadays than the rest of the world.

It actually makes me sick when anyone/thing whines about another individual, country, or company. Especially when its another individual, country or company (thats what set my off with the Apple example and their morals). Which is hypocritical as they are far from angels.

I also could be seen as having radical views I hate the way the country i live in (or rather those who govern it and the media) are always harping on about places like China being repressive and everyone in the Middle East is some religious whack job that wants to kill us all. Its narrow minded and petty nothing more, without China half the goods (especially electrical and most stuff which is plastic) in your home would not exist and without the Middle East a fair chunk of money my countries capital (IE London) makes each summer when Rich Middle Eastern people come on holiday would not exist either. It also makes me wonder if the likes of Apple or anyone that bashes companies, countries etc etc have ever had any business with them or visited the country concerned. If its one thing i hate its those that shout about others misdoings without realising their own.

I hope that coveys that it was more Apple i was harping at @3dogs and not your opinion as such, just the example and what Apple have to say about China. No offense was meant towards you directly.


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China allows us to enjoy consumerism at this point in time. When China's turn is ending another nation will take its place. At one point in time, we viewed products from Japan the same way we see China's output today.