#2 - a resetter, extra cartridges and ink - is called The Hat Trick.(1) use OEM inks and change each cart as they empty and you will get a complete purge cycle every time you do that, so 10 cart changes = ten purge cycles. That what’s known as the Domino effect and Canon will love you..
(2) Use 3rd party inks and change every cart when one cart get low or empty (Replace the lot)
The Pro 10 is a nice machine, but I still love my two Pro-9500’s, 12 years on..the PRO-10, 8 years after release, only now gains interest among refillers
The Pro 10 is a nice machine, but I still love my two Pro-9500’s, 12 years on..
No problems with waste ink or resetting the ink counter..![]()
Congratulations on getting the best Pro printer today, now there are two ways of using the Pro 10, with OEM inks only or with 3rd party inks, extra carts and resetter.
You don’t have to do anything special when using it with OEM inks, just enjoy the wonderful prints you get from it, and replace each cart when empty. BUT !
If you do that, the cost of printing can be expensive and your printer won’t last as long, because the waste ink pads will fill much faster and need replacing sooner or later.
On the other hand, if you decide to use 3rd party inks, the initial start-up cost is a bit hefty, because you got to get inks, extra carts and a resetter, but that setup will last for years with carts and resetter and so will your printer, and you only need to get ink once a year or longer.
The two ways to print are, (1) use OEM inks and change each cart as they empty and you will get a complete purge cycle every time you do that, so 10 cart changes = ten purge cycles. That what’s known as the Domino effect and Canon will love you..
(2) Use 3rd party inks and change every cart when one cart get low or empty (Replace the lot) and leave them to one side till later, this way you only get one purge cycle for all ten carts, this gives you a huge saving on ink and stop your waste ink pads from filling faster…You decide…
Hello The HatIf you’ve got the Pro 10 then great, but your biggest problem will be what to do about the big door you now have on the floor. ?
You can use a set of OEM ink filled carts if you want to have the best of everything, and you can also have a set of OEM carts with compatible ink for everyday use, because it’s so much easier to swap between them whenever you want.
To run the Pro 10 successfully you’ll need at least two sets of OEM carts and a redsetter, and when one cart becomes empty, it’s advisable to replace them all to avoid mutable cleaning cycles. (Top up the rest later)
You can get all your supplies from Octoinkjet.co.uk, they have everything, including extra carts, inks, Squeasy bottles, refill clips and the redsetter..
The different print quality’s between the Pro 1 and Pro 10 will be negligible, you’ll soon settle into a good printing routine for all your prints whether B&W or Colour..
While IMO Precision Colors is closer to OEM, it will cost you a lot to ship.Hello The Hat
Fellow Irish man living in London. Just bought a Pro10 for £40 and put a new £130 head into it and it works well. It has only done 150 prints in total so should have some life left. I am looking for some good ink to go into it. I can get someone to forward me Precision Colours from Canada, but I notice you recommend Octoinkjet.co.uk. What would be my best bet? All advice greatly appreciated.