Canon Primax IP4000 Printhead problem


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Nov 5, 2004
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San Francisco
I haven't read about clogs specifically from compatable carts on the ip4500, but the chip transfer issue wouldn't be my favorite way to go. I would buy good quality refill ink and refill OEM carts. After several refills you can purge the carts and they will again work like new for a new series of refills. Best to have a spare set that is always filled so you can replace them quickly and refill at your liesure.

Trigger 37

Printer Guru
Dec 23, 2006
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melkin1,... There is no problem what so ever with the new Chipped ink carts in all the new printers. The printhead technolgy is the same, the ink is pretty much the same, and the refilling is the same, and the failure, and clogs, and every thing else is the same. Nothing has changed except that the ink carts are chipped, which when you need to refill, just modify the ink carts like you would have for any other Canon Ink cart and refill them. The printer will warn you that you are a "Nasty little Boy" and you shouldn't be doing this becuase it will void the warrany, etc. and a bunch of other crap. Just follow the instruction and reset your printer to turn off the Canon Ink monitor and you will be able to print till the cows come home. You will just not have any monitor, which was not any good anyway. You will have to watch the ink levels yourself. Never, Never, Never, let them run dry.

It is all about taking care of your printer. Print something everyday. Watch the ink levels by opening the cover and lifting out the ink carts. When you see that one of them is getting low, refill all of them at the same time.

If you have purchased a new Canon printer, either you have committed yourself to buying expensive ink carts or you have agreed to refill your own carts. Order the ink and Syringes you will need and good luck.

Now for some real disturbing news,... YOur Canon iP4000 does print full face CD's. All of the Canon printers have always had the ability to print CD's. If you are considering buy something new, go ahead and don't loose any sleep about it. If you want some thing old, buy the printhead, and then go to eBay and do a search for Canon iP4000 CD tray. It is the easiest modification you can imagine for your iP4000, and once you have it done, you will print fantastic CD's

I modigied my iP6600d and purchased the CD tray on eBay and I have printed more than 50 CD's by now. I love it. I wrote a post to this thread a long time ago about how simple it was and how I couldn't believe that Canon has built every printer for the last 5+ years with this capability built in but they have disabled it for all U.S. printers but all other countries have it enabled. It is all about a lawsuit between Philips and Canon that has never been settled.

I hope I have made your day.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Jan 10, 2008
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Thanks Trigger37,... I know that the IP4000 prints on CDs/DVDs, I have printed Manyof them with the supplied CD tray, but they have not printed Full Face ie: to the centre of the inner circle on fullface discs, dispite adjusting the inner circle to its smallest setting in CD PRINT. I have even downloaded the latest drivers for IP4000 in case the CDprint had updates.
Is there something I have missed?


Printer Master
Aug 23, 2006
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Europe EU
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Canon, Brother, HP, Ricoh etc.
melkin1 said:
Thanks Trigger37,... I know that the IP4000 prints on CDs/DVDs, I have printed Manyof them with the supplied CD tray, but they have not printed Full Face ie: to the centre of the inner circle on fullface discs, dispite adjusting the inner circle to its smallest setting in CD PRINT. I have even downloaded the latest drivers for IP4000 in case the CDprint had updates.
Is there something I have missed?
Yes you missed another program called "Discus" is the best labeling software I have ever tried. IT works will all printers EPSON, CANON etc. see the full list here

The program costs only 39.95$ and can print not only CD's but labels of any kind or custom labels.
The important thing is the program is easy to use. If you have ever tried nero or SureThing CD/DVD Labeler you know it is not easy to use. When you will try this program you will never even dream using another package.




Printer Guru
Mar 18, 2006
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melkin1 said:
Thanks Trigger37,... I know that the IP4000 prints on CDs/DVDs, I have printed Manyof them with the supplied CD tray, but they have not printed Full Face ie: to the centre of the inner circle on fullface discs, dispite adjusting the inner circle to its smallest setting in CD PRINT. I have even downloaded the latest drivers for IP4000 in case the CDprint had updates.
Is there something I have missed?
Yes I think there is something you missed , (its hidden well away, even Canon would not tell me about it 1)
In the Canon CD-Label Print File/Select Paper/New fom the top tool bar.

Then do the template that you want....i have made 4 or 5 that match the sizes of all the faces and hubs of the discs i use, I have been using this for at least 2 years, the program always had it in. I , too got hung up the way you have for a time.Canon could`nt or would`nt tell me about it.

Please confirm this does the business for you.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Jan 10, 2008
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Thanks Trigger 37,....your a Guenius, I did as you said and vwolla the print layout is to centre circle.
Just have to wait for delivery of new printhead, hope it cures printer problem and then I'll be able to test to see if it prints the disc to centre as you suggest.

I'm very curios to find out how you discovered new template to adjust circle because I could not find anything in the literature on the printer and when I asked canon they did not even bother to reply.
Thanks again.


Printer Guru
Mar 18, 2006
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melkin1 said:
Thanks Trigger 37,....
I'm very curios to find out how you discovered new template to adjust circle because I could not find anything in the literature on the printer and when I asked canon they did not even bother to reply.
Thanks again.
Firstly I am ........HEADPHONESMAN !!............but no matter......many other Canon Pixma users knew the solution to the problem, I just beat them to it in giving you the solution.!

I was one of the first owners of the 4000 and was quickly frustrated when the hole refused to get any smaller. Canon did tell me " that was the way it is, you cannot make the hole any smaller, there is no other software that can help you" and "Canon will not in any way assist in the circumvention of any copyright " , whatever that was about.

I found it by exploring around the program, trying to find a way to do it and I did , so did several others at the same time , they have all reported it in forums from time to time.

The 4000 is one of the best printers ever made in my opinion...I have the original machine still running on re-fill ink after 2 years..........I never switch it off and I have never yet done a Ink Tank Full re-set. I also have a new 4000 which had been in storage some time waiting for the original to fail.

Dont take applications for granted.........when you have a few spare moments , try and see what all the bells and whistles do.!!

Trigger 37

Printer Guru
Dec 23, 2006
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headphonesman,.. Thanks very much for giving melkin1 the information about how to set up a template. Of course it is easy to do if you know the procedure. Someone else told it to me. I'm glad that Melkin1 is getting a new printhead. He has no idea how much time and trouble he will have saved himself. Yes buying a new printer is no big deal, but it will always be easier to refill theiP4000. I would agree with you about the iP4000, but then again, that is because you never owned a iP5000,... it is even better. I have one last year that someone has messed up. I fixed it and put a new printhead in it and sold it on eBay. It sold in less than 1 hour. The people that bought it were so happy, they were dancing in the streets.

I have some iP4200 right now that I'm repairing. Yes they use the new ink carts but the total machine is just like the iP5000 but with the chipped in carts. Once you get past that, it is a great machine and will last for ever. It is a pleasure to repair them and fix the simple problems that people had, and became so frustrated they gave these printer up for lost. At least when I fix them they will not end up in some landfill. I really believe that if people take care of them, they will last forever,... or until the printhead gives out.

Thanks again for helping Melkin1.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Jan 10, 2008
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SORRY HEADPHONESMAN....another senior moment but thanks very much for your help.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Trigger37.... whilst i am waiting for the print head to arrive for my IP4000, I thought it would be a good idea to clean out the docking pads and the reseviour ink tank /overflow if thats the correct term, only a little while ago i had a 3ebk compatible cartridge empty itself after installing it.
Having not taken the case apart previously is there any advise you can give on what to do and what not to do?
If I lived nearbyI would probably get you to fix it for me but as I don't I will have to do it myself.
Fortunately I'm reasonably handy and am prepared to have a go at most things, particularly if ican get advise from people who know what they are talking about.