Print Addict
A few months back I had a similar issue with Magenta, lost it completely tried several carts (all OEM I.S Inks) many head cleans failed to resolve it. Eventually and reluctantly I pulled the print head and went through the recommended gentle window cleaning method (Panos) but to no avail. Then concentrated on the magenta input sucked/pushed fluid through a 20ml syringe saw a flash of pink, reinstalled nozzle test perfect.
My printing is pretty light anyway but resolved only print what was necessary, yet we know other forum members print thousands of pages/photos on numerous printers with few problems. Now the original problem has returned only this time it is the cyan. 2 nozzle checks, 1 deep clean, 3 different carts and the last one blew through to ensure it flowed easily but still only 20-30% showing on the nozzle checks or none at all. Yesterday I repeated the syringe method just on the cyan pick up nozzle check fine.
Today 1 web page obviously off, nozzle check again zero cyan. Any suggestions I still feel cart feed the likely culprit. I am getting fed up with how delicate these Canon printers can be but the printer is a pretty essential piece of kit in the computer set up.
My printing is pretty light anyway but resolved only print what was necessary, yet we know other forum members print thousands of pages/photos on numerous printers with few problems. Now the original problem has returned only this time it is the cyan. 2 nozzle checks, 1 deep clean, 3 different carts and the last one blew through to ensure it flowed easily but still only 20-30% showing on the nozzle checks or none at all. Yesterday I repeated the syringe method just on the cyan pick up nozzle check fine.
Today 1 web page obviously off, nozzle check again zero cyan. Any suggestions I still feel cart feed the likely culprit. I am getting fed up with how delicate these Canon printers can be but the printer is a pretty essential piece of kit in the computer set up.