Canon Pixma MP620 error message


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
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Hampshire U.K.
Pixma MP620 Here we go again lost magenta tried topping up the cart German method) but noticed inky bubbles coming from ink inlet and ink coming out of the output filter. This with needle 2" inside the tank. This cannot be right so extracted the old ink (full of air bubbles) washed cart out and dried overnight with the usual paper towel method. Refilled this morning no problem except I noticed the output filter had not taken up any ink, so I dribbled some on and put it back in the printer.

Nozzle check 1 50% Magenta Nozzle check 2 75% Magenta Nozzle check 3 ZERO Magenta Head clean ZERO. Magenta. Pulled head out and ran some window cleaner via the Magenta screen and it came out freely enough. I wiped everything off including contacts and re-installed print head.

Then I got error message UO43 Ink tank cannot be recognized BK tried another cart. I got same error message but showing all 5 carts. Pulled head again tried re-seating it all carts have LEDS lit same message so I am stuck. Tried turning off and on again but same error message, ANY IDEAS ANYBODY


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
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Hampshire U.K.
Further to my first post I have now got rid of the UO43 error by cleaning the timing strip which was dirty, and the back of copies pages are still showing signs of black ink even though I have run several roller/bottom plate cleaning cycles.

At least the printer is partially operational again but still no Magenta.

The Hat

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Your refilling method is not serving you very well at least with the magenta cartridge its not.

The problem while using this refilling method is that from time to time you can get an air bubble stuck
between the reservoir and the sponge section but mainly you can also get sponge separation.

This is caused by the outlet sponge getting separated from the sponge above it from your needle passing through that section of your cartridge,
this can happen on your very first attempt at refilling or your subsequent attempts or hardly ever its a real hit and miss affair.

When you get that problem you should fit the orange clip to the problematic cartridge and tap the bottom of the cartridge on a wooden surface a couple of times,
this usually reseats the inner sponge again and the cartridge should then work properly for you.

Another thing that can help with this refilling method is to keep injecting ink while you are withdrawing the needle from the cartridge,
this can eliminate any air bubbles that maybe lurking about and it will also help saturate the inside of the outlet sponge for you.

95% of the time its the cartridge that is causing poor print quality and not the print head,
so you should always check there first for any trouble and try not to remove your print head if you can help it.

Its good to hear you got the pesky error problem solved but dont be tempted to print anything
other than a nozzle check till you can get a good print-out first.

With your printer unplugged try cleaning the platen area yourself with a small cloth,
especially all of the little plastic bits that stick up and maybe give the small sponge a squeeze with the cloth while youre there.

I nearly forgot to mention, if the air maze has any ink blocking it then that too can cause the same ink starvation problem,
try blowing on the air maze to force a few drops of ink to drip out of the outlet.

I look forwards to hearing how you got on with that darn magenta cartridge.


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hampshire U.K.
Thanks once again for your unstinting help and advice. Your cleaning suggestion was great now no marks on the rear of the page.

I had already tried tapping the cart, blowing through the vent (good flow). I tried today again dribbling ink as I withdrew bottle , tapping cart and again blowing through the vent. Ink came out no problem.

Re-installed first nozzle check 20% second 100% so head must be OK. Then copied a coloured page from a book result all yellowish. Another nozzle check ZERO magenta. As IJT have got a 50% off offer I have ordered a couple and see how they feed, if the refurb cart works I think I will dump these 2 OEM's causing me so much trouble.

I do topfill as well but this 2 were both German method. I have sourced carts from e-bay but mostly from Octoinks but I do not really know where these offenders came from. I always purge before use and Martin kindly changed the ink as well a while back.

With all the printers you use, you do not seem to get these type of problems using similar carts and inks. I cannot see it is technique or surely I would get similar problems with other colours?.

Anyway once again thanks, will post further results


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
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Hampshire U.K.
Latest update is still failure. Summary:- for todays events 3 nozzle checks ZERO Magenta. Have purchased some empty OEM carts and compatible IJT. The first attempt was with the new IJT no magenta. Then tried filling one of the used OEM with Window cleaner using Freedom method, result syringe full of foamy inky bubbles virtually nothing in the cart.

Tried dribbling some Octoinks print head cleaning fluid on magenta pickup 2 nozzle checks with NEW IJT cart ZERO.

Pulled print head put into small food aluminium food container with folded kitchen towel in the bottom soaked with same window cleaner, covered magenta port with additional fluid. Then fitted 2" long open ended needle scabbard onto pick up and filled with fluid via syringe. It was 3/4 empty within 10 secs 20 secs completely empty. dried head off re-installed. 1 nozzle check no magenta 1 cleaning cycle no magenta, 1 DEEP cleaning eureka magenta but not 100%, 1 nozzle check NO MAGENTA.

I assume then because I have seen some instance of magenta, the head is not blown? but obviously ink supply is not being maintained under load.

Any more ideas anybody? I could pull head and let it soak for a longer period. Certainly the cost of additional New/S/H carts wasted ink/paper plus hours and hours of time sometimes makes me think you do not save as much as you think. Certainly if you print a lot particularly with the older printers/carts you will make huge savings, not so sure with the newer breeds. Perhaps a cheap printer compatible carts and chuck it every year and buy a new one.

Probably I am wrong being fed up with this constant attrition with magenta plus a nasty attack of Cellulitis in my leg.

The Hat

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Jan 18, 2010
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Residing in Wicklow Ireland
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Canon/3D, CR-10, CR-10S, KP-3
You seem to be having a terrible time trying to get a good and constant ink flow
from the Magenta whether it be the print head or the cartridge that's at fault.

Heres something you can do that might help to break this circle of failures, it may not work but its still worth a go.

Take your print head out of the printer and run it under a cold tap using a constant flow of water
directly on the magenta inlet for a few minutes then leave it to dry somewhere warm.

Use one of the OEM magenta carts your having the problem with and poke out the refill ball and seal up any of the other refill holes,
now if you look at the link below for a cartridge flush clip, either buy one or make one yourself, they are a fairly handy gadget to have.[Canon].html

Put this clip onto the bottom of the cartridge and attach a 60 ml syringe filled with water and inject the lot into the cartridge,
* do this till the water becomes reasonably clear*.

Then half fill the syringe with some Windex (window Cleaner) and inject that into the cartridge,
hold the cart on top of the syringe this time, now keep sucking the solution in and out several time and then empty the cartridge.

Repeat this * several times to flush out all of the Windex from the sponge,
If you have hard water then use distilled water for the final rinse.

Use this tissue drying method to get most of the water out of your cartridges changing the tissue several times
and within 20 minutes the cartridge should be dry enough to refill with ink.

Cover the outlet with an orange clip held on with a rubber band but I want you to fill the magenta cartridge with photo black ink and not magenta,
then seal up the refill hole and pop the cartridge into the print head with the rest of you cartridges and run a normal clean cycle.

Now do a couple of nozzle prints and that should tell you if youre getting anywhere with your ink flow problem,
if you dont start getting an improvement in the output from the magenta cartridge (Now black).

It maybe that the nozzles have been damaged a long the way somewhere, but before we go there and call a day,
try putting a pool of water on your purge pads and see if it drains off of stays there.

If it stay there which it should then allow the print head to move back to the purge unit for a minute or two
then raise the top cover and check it again, this time it should be fairly dry and there should be visible signs of ink on it too.

This should keep you busy for quite some time so lets hope when you report back
youll have better news for us then good luck.. :)

Tom Hock

Getting Fingers Dirty
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
I suggest you look carefully at the rubber seal in the print head for the magenta ink tank to see if it is damaged. When you install the ink tank does it feel the same as the other tanks? Is the rubber seal being compressed the same as the other tanks? Remember that the purge/priming pump applies a vacuum to the tank outlet to cause ink to flow into the head. If the rubber seal is leaking the pump will pull air into the head and could cause your problem with this one tank.


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hampshire U.K.
Tom Hock said:
I suggest you look carefully at the rubber seal in the print head for the magenta ink tank to see if it is damaged. When you install the ink tank does it feel the same as the other tanks? Is the rubber seal being compressed the same as the other tanks? Remember that the purge/priming pump applies a vacuum to the tank outlet to cause ink to flow into the head. If the rubber seal is leaking the pump will pull air into the head and could cause your problem with this one tank.
I did wonder if there was a faulty/leaky seal and your post confirms my suspicion. However I cannot see anything wrong with it, but I could try and substitute this seal with one of the others and see whether the error transfers.

I was trying to create a cleaning cart with the Used OEM cart via Freedom method, and then try your vacuum cleaner idea. The Freedom idea did not work but I can always pull the ball and top fill with some cleaner.

I am now up to 5 carts 2 German, 2 top fill, 1 NEW compatible so something weird is going on. Latching pressure seems normal, Canon carts seem to use a lot lower pressure than my previous HP printer.

Tom Hock

Getting Fingers Dirty
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
About two years ago there were discussions on this forum of leaking seals and the use of High Vacuum Grease. See:

I have used this on some printers in the past but can't say how effective it was. This air leakage problem is why I always seal the fill hole for the German method This hole is close to the tank outlet and any pathway that might have been caused by the syringe needle could lead to air being sucked into the print head during the prime or cleaning cycle.

You might also try this:
because it will insure ink is in the print head without relying on the purge pump, at least long enough to print nozel checks


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hampshire U.K.
Looked at Tom Hock suggestion could not see anything wrong with rubber gasket, but have tried switching it with yellow. Latching seems identical over all colours.

The Hat Very comprehensive list and have carried out your suggestions. 1. Washed print head in water and dried. 2. Purged Magenta cart with syringe/window cleaning/distilled water. Then dried it to slight dampness and filled with Photo black. 3. Put fluid on purge area and it seems to go away alright. 4. re-installed print head and run 1 cleaning cycle printout fine all 3 strips of PB solid done 1 more nozzle check still fine.

I assume from these results that the print head nozzles are working OK? Now I assume I have to wash the head out again?

Thanks once again for your great assistance