Canon IP3000 wont print


Getting Fingers Dirty
Oct 20, 2006
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Seattle WA area
Trigger 37 said:
Also, I would love to do the Windex on the cleaning pads but all that fluid has to run right to the waste ink tank,... and when that get's full, there is all kinds of blinking lights and the covers have to come off. It would be great if someone could point us to "ONE" site where there is "ONE" canon printer service manual so we could all learn how to do it. I have seen other sites that offer replacement or subtitute tanks for sale. I have too many printers to mess with this and I just bought a new ip6600 so I think I'd better just go buy a service manual for one of them. If anyone already has one that would like to share,... now is the time. I'm sure that most of them are different, but if you know Canon, just about every printer they make has 5-8 models that are just the same guts but only a few key parts changed,... as well as all the covers. Like I said, I have an i560 and a MP730 all in one printer. They don't even look close,..but they use the same printhead, carriage, inks, and just about everything else that is related to printing. On top of this they added a sheet feeder for the copy function and a flat bed glass scanner, and a FAX moden and telephone connection. It all works great together.
IP4000 Service Manual, see post #3 this link


Newbie to Printing
Feb 23, 2008
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tomthered said:
well put water on a few times and it went down the tubes!. Funny thing is when you remove the cartridges the ink is sat there but nothin on the underneath of the printhead! As its brand new out of the packet it should be OK should it not? The sponges were full of ink but did go nearly white again after purging the water through.

I do know that I used to leave it switched on without turning off, never realised about this purging thing, Canon don't say anything do they?! Any ideas on what to do next? The old printhead wont work as it switches off, could it be some sort of electrical fault? Getting fed up now.

something else I forgot. When I have put the new printhead in and done an alignment, on the two occasions I tried it came up with " there has been an error while completing the printhead head alignment, please press the resume key on the printer to cancel this instruction and start again". I am unsure if this is relevant but why would it do that on a new printhead? It spews paper out with no ink hwatsoever on it. Despite a deep clean

cheers Tom
Tom or anyone else.. have you been able to successfully deduce/solve your problem? My beloved IP3000 recently decided to quit printing on me. I soaked the printhead, but all i got was flashing ambers. Upon further inspection, something got hot and adhered to the head and it took a nick out of it. was leaking cyan all over.

So i pony up $50usd for a new printhead. only to install it and still not get any ink on the paper. I then found this site and attempted Digitalartist71's method of cleaning the purge lines. Successfully cleaned and shockingly reassembled back to normal and yet still no ink of any color. tried cleaning/deep cleaning, print head alignment, poured through the manual, you name it. No errors, just no ink on the paper. fresh ink carts, you name it.

I too occasionally get a printhead alignment error. This is incredibly frustrating... I've even got a new 3500 sitting in in a box, but refuse to give up on my 3000!

Thanks in advance!

Trigger 37

Printer Guru
Dec 23, 2006
Reaction score
appleton,... I almost can't believe how old this original post it. When I first posted to this thread, I was just beginning to get into printer repair. It is amazing how much you can learn in a year. Anyway you have only made one post to this thread about your iP3000. After reading you post, yes you probably burned up a piece of your original printhead, but it also could be that you burned up the write driver on you logic card. Something got shorted and burned something out. The sad news is that a new logic card will cost more than it is worth. I know you love your iP3000, as most other do,... but I think you have serious problems. Do you still get Orange flashing lights or did that stop when you got rid of the printhead.

Here is another very simple test. Take out the printhead and blot in on a damp paper towel. If you see all of the colors, black, C,Y,M, then your purge unit is working good enough to suck ink out of the ink carts and into the printhead. If it still won't print but it is trying to, something in the chain between the logic card and the printhead is broken. It could be connector on the logic card, on the carriage asm, or it could just be dirty pins on the back of the printhead or burnt pins inside the carriage asm. One other possibility is that you lost one of the high voltages from you power supply when you burnt out part of your printhead.

If you have a volt meter, take the cover off and unplug the power cable from the logic board and measure the DC voltages on all wires. The black one should be the ground. There are 3 voltages typical of Canon printers and they are +5volts, +24 volts, and +27volts. The +24 volts is for the Printhead to fire the print nozzles.
There are 7 pins in the power connector. #2,4,6 are ground, #1 is +5, #3 is +24. #5 is +27volts and is used to control all DC motors. So if you can get the covers off and pull that connector, you can see if you may have blown a power supply. These connector pins are for the Canon i850. This is one of the printers that I have the logic diagrams for. The pin assignments for the iP3000 may be different but you at least have these voltage in that cable if you don't, you will know by testing.

After the i850, i950 Canon stopped putting logic diagrams and connector pin assignments in the Service Manuals.

Also I see from this thread that Lilla has not posted for a very long time. She made a lot of very excellent posts when she was active. I wonder what happened?