Are you sure that one or more of the ink carts isn't leaking? If you refill, perhaps the fill hole isn't completely sealed? SAme might be true for an aftermarket cart that isn't sealed properly---and the unthinkable --- a faulty OEM cart????
linefeed said:Yes I'm sure. I've never refilled and I've always used Canon carts. I pulled them all yesterday and they look fine. Also this problem has persisted through several changes of each cart.
I'm going to look for Windex. My wife only uses chamois on the windows but I think Windex or something similar (ammonia based?) is available here in the UK. I picked up a can of compressed air so I'll give that idea a try too.
What I'm still not sure about is whether, if all else fails, it's worth trying a new print head. They're about 74 pounds over here ($125 - $130) so it's not a cheap experiment, but a new similar printer would cost a lot more. On the other hand I'm reluctant to ditch the printer because after a cleaning cycle it does a great job on color photos. I might just live with it for another year.
Thanks for all the suggestions.