Can I fill the oem cartridges with Precision inks?

The Hat

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Jan 18, 2010
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Sorry Mike but your post completely confused the hell out of me and I know exactly what you’re trying to say.. :(


Printing Ninja
May 6, 2010
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Printer Model
Epson 710, Canon PRO 100
I'm still confused also but I take it that it is due to my ignorance of the entire topic. I received an email from Mike saying that the empty kit carts are better than refilling the Canon original carts that came with my printer because I can use the ICC profiles he offers and will get some amazing colors that I cannot get if I use the original printer cartridges. I am guessing this is because the ink would be mixed rather than all the same? And maybe because said cartridges are specifically customized to those profiles?

At any rate it sounds like maybe I am best off to go ahead and leave things as they are - using the kit cartridges with the kit ink and leaving the original Canon cartridges with the remaining ink to hibernate for possible use in the future if the kit carts should fail?


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I'm still confused
Happens to all of us sometimes. :D

OEM Canon cartridges are the best you can get for your printer. Additionally, the Canon Pro-100 can use either the CLI-42 cartridges, these are the cartridge model number for the Pro-100, OR you can use an older design model the CLI-8 which required a chip swap from a CLI-42 cartridge onto the CLI-8 cartridge. Either cartridge model will perform the best for that printer model. Nothing is better than Canon OEM cartridges!

You can also use third party aftermarket cartridges and chips (if available). However, third party cartridges may not not be as "flawless" in function as OEM Canon cartridges. Failure of a cartridge to feed ink properly to the print head may result in premature print head failure and a costly purchase of a new print head.

FYI - nothing is guaranteed 100% "flawless" functioning, even Canon OEM, but the Canon cartridges are the best functioning over time. Mikling spoke of this in his post on this thread.

EXCEPT for the YELLOW CLI-42 ink and its cartridge that is extremely difficult to clean residual ink from, ALL the other CLI-42 cartridges can be refilled with aftermarket ink such as Precision Colors ink sets. The OEM Canon CLI-42 YELLOW ink (and only the Yellow ink) has a history of reacting with third party inks in what boss @The Hat calls "Yello Gello". This gelled ink can irreversibly clog the print head causing you to purchase a new print head. This is why you are instructed to purchase a different color CLI-42 cartridge or CLI-8 Yellow which have been purged, swap the chip from the CLI-42 Yellow cartridge onto the "new" purged cartridge and refill away.

Generally speaking, Mikling's Precision Colors ink sets for Canon have been good enough for "casual" printers to refill their cartridges without purging the rest of the OEM Canon ink. There are color shifts but for the "casual" printer it may not be an issue. It will take several refills, maybe 3 or so, before the Canon ink is sufficiently gone and the aftermarket ink fully dominates. You can bypass this washout period by purging your OEM Canon cartridges first and then refilling. Then the beauty of Mikling's ICC printer profiles for a specific ink set and paper combination can shine through.

Bottom line:

1) Use of OEM Canon Cartridges is preferred by refillers because they may be less trouble down the road.

2) Never refill a Canon CLI-42 YELLOW cartridge. Swap the chip onto either a purged CLI-42 NON-Yellow cartridge or a CLI-8 Yellow cartridge. If using another CLI-42 Non-Yellow cartridge, make sure to label it properly to not confuse yourself later on when refilling.

3) Unless you need to optimize color management from the start, refilling cartridges with Precision Colors ink while there is residual OEM Canon ink still in them is OK. (Except for the YELLOW!!!) The residual Canon OEM ink will washout in 3 or so refills and the color shifting will resolve.

4) Consider Mikling's ICC printer profiles using his Precision Colors ink set and paper combinations. He put a lot of work into these profiles and the results may be stunning.


Printing Ninja
May 6, 2010
Reaction score
Printer Model
Epson 710, Canon PRO 100
Yes - Hooray and thank-you to all. I believe I have a clear understanding now of what I purchased, what I have done so far, and what I can do going forward.
Much obliged! :woot