Buying a Canon Printer?


Printer Guru
Feb 20, 2005
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vkakula said:
To circumvent keeping track of chips it should be possible to affix the chips to the carrier using a strong adhesive. One has to be careful with this but once this is done youd be free to use the newly available Cli-8 generics as mentioned by websnail that are shipped with "chip transfer required" instructions. I particularly like the aftermarket cartridge blanks that are being sold with the plastic sealing screw and have been told that Cli-8 compatibles like those will be available by the end of this month.
But doesn't this still mean an empty cartridge will not be detected? is this too much to hope for. In the real world I am not the sort of person who can hope to self monitor ink levels without allowing the print head to run dry.

Am still observing before I jump into the Canon chipped cartridge mess. Have one ip4200 to try out at some stage. But am still waiting for a reasonable solution for refilling.

I talk to the local cartridge world refiller in my local shopping centre and I keep asking about the a non OEM chipped cartridge for the new canon printers. He no longer sells canon printers , but recommends brother printers.

I am not sure what the costs are like in the US, bit here in OZ a set of OEM cartridges is 80% of the cost of a new IP4200. Its getting ridiculous when the replacement cost of the cartridges is almost that of the original printer.


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vkakula said:
I havent tried swapping chips or cartridges but know that so long as there are 5 unique (by color) chips in the carrier the printer has no way of knowing whether you populated the cartridges correctly. If you have 2 cyan chips in the carrier and in turn are missing a color then the printer will refuse to print as its message to your missing chip will not be returned for from the printers perspective it is as if youre missing a cartridge in that position or using a chipless cartridge.
That is useful information indeed so thanks for sharing that... The technical stuff was more or less what I'd heard in a more laymen style from elsewhere but the bottom line was it's too high end and small to be easily crackable... Sounds like you reached that conclusion too.

Interesting that you could possibly have the cartridges in any order but I'll be checking that one out using some mixed chips I got from a very frustrated ex-iP5200 user after then beat their printer to a pulp. I've got a set of complete originals too so hopefully I won't have any problems with resurrecting the printer if it doesn't work out. Something for the week once I have some workbench space back..

To circumvent keeping track of chips it should be possible to affix the chips to the carrier using a strong adhesive. One has to be careful with this but once this is done youd be free to use the newly available Cli-8 generics as mentioned by websnail that are shipped with "chip transfer required" instructions. I particularly like the aftermarket cartridge blanks that are being sold with the plastic sealing screw and have been told that Cli-8 compatibles like those will be available by the end of this month.
I'd definitely go with a strong adhesive but there's going to be users who don't want to touch refilling with a barge pole, and whilst I admit it's unlikely they'll feature hugely, they may well look at the chip swap routine as a viable alternative at which point it can all go a bit wrong.. I'm guessing blue tak may be the best approach there.

Oh and one thing I noticed is that the OEM carts appear to have extended the design somewhat so that there's a second prism in the front of the cartridge (above the chip)... Part of me wonders if that's there to detect any chip glueing approaches but it did occur to me that it's more likely just a way to redirct the red LED light so it's easily viewable for the end user.

Blanks with sealing screws do sound like they'll be ideal for refillers and likewise for CIS makers too although I suspect the placement of the holes may mean we'll need to come up with custom alterations.

Thanks again Vkakula