build quality of the older canon printers


Newbie to Printing
Sep 2, 2022
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Brooklyn, New York, United States
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Epson Expression XP-15000
been a while, not sure if any members are still using older canon printers, but here's quick recap on a 15 year old MX700 that has been brought back to life.

MX700 was introduced in 2007

uses PGI5 CLI8 ink carts, gave it to a friend about 6 years ago, i'd refill them for her when needed. she used it for 2 years, then her husband bought a HP printer so it sat in a closet for the past 4 years. they were going to toss it out, so i said bring it back and i can maybe use it for parts, etc.

ink carts were empty, i refilled them and let it sit overnight, for fun i tried a nozzle check, not expecting much, see pic #1. (not good)

i had a set of new PGI5/CLI8s that i opened up and tossed in. see pics #2-5 nozzle checks, with cleanings in between.

not sure what i will do with this MX700, i do have 3 active printers now, MX870, MP980, PRO100.

a testament to the build quality of the older canon printers, 15 years old w a perfect nozzle check, even after sitting for 4 years.

last count, up to 1,955 refills


• Active Printers: MX870, MP980, PRO-100
• Stored Printers: IP4500, MX700, MX860, MX870
• Past Printers: MP830
• Method: German Durchstich Method
• Ink: first Hobbicolors, then OCP, now ASPEN
• Misc: Squeeze bottles - so much easier than syringes
I have a few memories with MX700, I used it for a few years around 13 years ago. Restoring the old machine is one of the best feelings. I can imagine how much you have enjoyed doing that.


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Printer Model
MP830 MP980
bad news, good news

bad news, is that in addition to canon dropping WIN10 driver support for my 15 year old MX700 that i brought back to life, turns out that it also dropped WIN10 support for my stored MX860s and IP4500.

almost gave up on the MX700, WIN10 would not recognize/find the MX700 connected w USB, when installing the 8.1 drivers using WIN8 compatibility. tried several WIN10 PRO machines without success, then tried a dumbed down WIN10S(stripped down WIN10) tablet w USB and it worked. tried again w my WIN 10 PRO machines but no luck. the MX700 has ethernet, so for fun i disconnected the USB and direct connected the MX700 to my router. ran the install and my WIN10 PRO machines found the printer and installed the 8.1 drivers. (good news)

next issue is the MX860 not being supported, i have 4 of them stored away. i took one out, used the print head and carts from my working MX870 to test out. the MX860 does not have an ethernet port, only USB. so i connected using USB and..... my WIN10 PRO machines were able to find it and install the driver. not sure if the driver has full capabilities, but prints fine. so the MX860 went back in its box for the future.

i kept the MX700 connected and will use it as my main printer, does not do duplex, but i have my MX870 for that. the MX700 uses the larger clear on both sides easy to refill PGI5 and CLI8 carts, is very quiet. power on is very quick, no noise, re cleaning print head, etc.

so good news all around.

been refilling these canon printers for 15 years now, latest count is 1,955 ink carts refilled.


• Active Printers: MX870, MP980, PRO-100
• Stored Printers: IP4500, MX700, MX860, MX870
• Past Printers: MP830
• Method: German Durchstich Method
• Ink: first Hobbicolors, then OCP, now ASPEN
• Misc: Squeeze bottles - so much easier than syringes
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