fantastic rodeo shots! really stopped action and captured the moment.
OK 3 dogs it’s been half a year since you started this thread so I’d like to know if your idea of a simple Photo thread is as good as you hoped it would be, or a bit of a let down, I for one think it’s been a huge success in more ways than I could say on one page.
From me anyway well done..
We have a Sanctuary at Healsvill where native animals are displayed/cared for and studied. There are a number of Emus roaming the area. Best entrertainment by far is to watch newbie visitors try to have lunch. The emus are adept at gently insinuating themselves onto the lunch party then at just the right moment plucking a mouthbound sandwitch deftly from the grasp of the chosen victim. One of these days I am going to do a series, capturing the reaction of the tourists.A black swan on the farm next door to my favorite watering hole, Foresters Arms at Glazebury, they also have a Emu, I just got the camera out of the way before it snapped at the lens - it looked docile, it looked friendly but it's a 'snapper' I will keep at a distance in future.
Taken with a Canon A650IS