5C00 error or reset ip6600D waste ink?


Printer Master
Aug 23, 2006
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Canon, Brother, HP, Ricoh etc.
I have ip6600D waste ink reset problem.

See menu error here

I enter service menu like this:

1. Start with the printer OFF
2. Hold down RESUME and then hold down POWER
3. release RESUME
4. press RESUME twice, then release POWER
5. Let green light blink until printer is done moving print head.

Press resume 4 times to reset ink waste counter. But it does not reset and the green light is not on like it should be. It is blinking while in service mode.

In service mode:

See video blinking error here:


Help !


Printer Master
Aug 23, 2006
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Europe EU
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Grandad35 said:
Yes I did, makes no difference at all.
The print head does not move at all or to the center of the printer. However it is unlocked so I moved it to the center myself and removed it. I places it in plastic bag with damp paper towel to keep it safe from drying out, I did the same to cartridges.

Tried to reset printer several times to no avail. The error indicates that: 5c00 error relates to the sensor in the purge unit.
I removed top printer cover and cleaned print head pad, dropped water and rotated gears with my finger.

If you rotate purge unit gears in one direction it activates suction of ink - therefore I assume it works fine in the other direction it triggers the head cleaning action.

If someone would show where purge unit wires connect perhaps I need to reconnect the plug that has bad connection.
What type the sensor in purge unit is? Is it pressure sensor, or optical?

Could the sensor just be malfunctioning and the purge unit working fine? IF so how to confirm it ?


Printer Master
Aug 23, 2006
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Europe EU
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Canon, Brother, HP, Ricoh etc.
Perhaps a moderator could rename my post to:

5C00 error or reset ip6600D waste ink?


Printer Master
Aug 23, 2006
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Europe EU
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Canon, Brother, HP, Ricoh etc.
I disassembled the printer, removed bottom plate and got to the purge unit and the sensor.

I cleaned the purge unit with distilled water until the water came out clean.

This is how the bottom looks like

I then removed the actual sensor:

Sensor TOP


I cleaned the sensor in distilled water and then dried it. I checked it with multimeter and got some small resistance readings - so that means it is working? I also tested wires that connect it to the printer circuit board, they were all good.

I assembled it all together again and it still gave me 4 blinks same as before.
I then tried to disconnect the sensor and printer gave me 11 blinks.
Connected the sensor back and got 4 blinks again.

ANY help would be appreciated.


Printer Guru
Jun 14, 2005
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Purge cam sensor error [5C00]

1. Might be the spring is weak.

2. The sensor is defective and needs to be replaced.

3. Some other problem is causing the error.


Printer Master
Aug 23, 2006
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Canon, Brother, HP, Ricoh etc.
Decided to try to fix the printer, could anyone tell me where can I order purge unit as a whole, or sensor for purge unit also mainboard for my printer. I wonder how much it would cost.


Printer Master
Aug 23, 2006
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Trigger 37

Printer Guru
Dec 23, 2006
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This post should be moved to "Injet Printers-General", since it has nothing to do with "Refilling Inkjets".

Smile,... Sorry for not responding sooner, I've been real busy on other things. First off you really didn't have the "Waste ink error", so going into service mode was of no help at all.

As everyone has indicated the 5C00 error is the Purge unit. I doubt very much if the sensor is the problem. You already provided one clue which was very important. When you open the cover the printhead will not come to the center. This is because some part of the purge unit is malfunctioning. When this happens, the purge unit will not fully cycle through a revolution and as such, it will never drop the locking tab to "Release the Printhead".

Now if you have disassembled the printer then you already have access to the top of the purge unit. Since the top cover is off, I don't know what other items have been removed but you should be able to reconnect everything electrically and turn the printer on. When you do this you can see the purge unit cycle and should be able to see what it is "NOT" doing. There is a lever switch on the top right side of the cover. When the cover is down the switch is closed and the logic card know that it is closed. Since you have the top cover off you should only have to turn the power on and the logic card will attempt to cycle the purge unit, drop the locking tab, and then move the printhead to the center. Since your printer is not doing this, something is not working.

With the power off, manally cycle the purge unit through one full cycle. The is done by rotating the large white nylon gear in the Clockwise direction. You have to do this slowly using a small screw driver and moving only a couple of gear teeth at a time. This will slowly cycle the purge unit and you should see the wiper blades come forward and then back and at one point you will see the locking tab drop down and unlock the head. You should be able to move the printhead out of the way when the lock is dropped so that you can get a much better view of what is going on. I have seen several purge unit the get stuck extended because of excessive sticking ink on the wiper blades. This will mess up the purge sensor. Other times I have seen one of the gears come out of mesh and the drive gear turns but nothing in the purge unit will cycle. One other unit had the spring come off of the wiper blades such that the drive motor would move the blades out but they would not go back to the resting position. The spring was laying in the bottom of the printer.

If you have been successful this far in disassembly of the printer, and now you've put it back together, then you have the skill and confidence to do it again. Since you took out the sensor you probably had the purge unit out of the printer. The question is, did you manually cycle it tosee if everything turned and all the parts moved. When you were turning the power on at the beginning, did you hear any strange noises or grinding of gears.

If you really find a broken part or missing spring, you can order a replacement Purge unit from Canon at 1-800-423-2366 and as for Parts department. You will have to order with a Credit card since you don't have an account with Canon.

Let us know what you find.


Printer Master
Aug 23, 2006
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Europe EU
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Canon, Brother, HP, Ricoh etc.
This post should be moved to "Injet Printers-General", since it has nothing to do with "Refilling Inkjets".

Smile,... Sorry for not responding sooner, I've been real busy on other things. First off you really didn't have the "Waste ink error", so going into service mode was of no help at all.

As everyone has indicated the 5C00 error is the Purge unit. I doubt very much if the sensor is the problem. You already provided one clue which was very important. When you open the cover the printhead will not come to the center. This is because some part of the purge unit is malfunctioning. When this happens, the purge unit will not fully cycle through a revolution and as such, it will never drop the locking tab to "Release the Printhead".

Yes the print head will not move when I turn on the printer. I have the head and inks in sealed bag :)
When I tried to turn on the printer with purge sensor disconnected it gave me another error and I tried to measure resistance of the sensor, so I know it is not broken.
Now if you have disassembled the printer then you already have access to the top of the purge unit. Since the top cover is off, I don't know what other items have been removed but you should be able to reconnect everything electrically and turn the printer on. When you do this you can see the purge unit cycle and should be able to see what it is "NOT" doing.

The purge unit cycles no grinding noises. I see head release locking tab move down and up 2 times, the blades that wipe print head move and the pads go up and down.
There is a lever switch on the top right side of the cover. When the cover is down the switch is closed and the logic card know that it is closed. Since you have the top cover off you should only have to turn the power on and the logic card will attempt to cycle the purge unit, drop the locking tab, and then move the printhead to the center. Since your printer is not doing this, something is not working.

With the power off, manally cycle the purge unit through one full cycle. The is done by rotating the large white nylon gear in the Clockwise direction. You have to do this slowly using a small screw driver and moving only a couple of gear teeth at a time.

All ready tried it with rotation to one side it moves the wiper blades the other makes purge pump suck ink.
I cleaned the unit and wiper blades with warm water until it was clear. I disconnected the wiper spring and then reconnected it back.
This will slowly cycle the purge unit and you should see the wiper blades come forward and then back and at one point you will see the locking tab drop down and unlock the head. You should be able to move the printhead out of the way when the lock is dropped so that you can get a much better view of what is going on. I have seen several purge unit the get stuck extended because of excessive sticking ink on the wiper blades. This will mess up the purge sensor. Other times I have seen one of the gears come out of mesh and the drive gear turns but nothing in the purge unit will cycle. One other unit had the spring come off of the wiper blades such that the drive motor would move the blades out but they would not go back to the resting position. The spring was laying in the bottom of the printer.

When I made above photos from above I so all purge unit parts move and pass the purge unit sensor. I don't know if it is out of alignment. How to check this?
If you have been successful this far in disassembly of the printer, and now you've put it back together, then you have the skill and confidence to do it again. Since you took out the sensor you probably had the purge unit out of the printer.

I did not remove the purge unit as a whole because I feared the gears might come out and I will not be able to put it together again. Any instructions on how to remove it would be appreciated.
The question is, did you manually cycle it to see if everything turned and all the parts moved. When you were turning the power on at the beginning, did you hear any strange noises or grinding of gears.

Yes everything turn and moves like it was before it broke.
If you really find a broken part or missing spring, you can order a replacement Purge unit from Canon at 1-800-423-2366 and as for Parts department. You will have to order with a Credit card since you don't have an account with Canon.

Let us know what you find.

Before it broke I installed waste ink bottle to collect ink, but it worked fine for month after that. So that can't be the cause can it? However I cleaned everything and removed the waste ink bottle but that did not help.