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    Primera Bravo 4102 Disc Publisher only prints after turn off

    PTP Publisher is not detecting printer in windows xp and 7. I just purchased it from a thrift shop.
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    How to clean Primera Bravo 2 printer tray?

    How do I set the printer tray to the eject position so I can clean it?
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    Primera Bravo II printing only 99% then malfunction.

    Using SureThing for PTPublisher Version 5.2.707.1 seems to have fixed the problem.
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    Primera Bravo II printing only 99% then malfunction.

    It prints 99% of the image and then this happens. I tried using a different USB cable and USB port, upgrading to latest firmware 1.29 but same problem. I'm using Surething Labeler 6.
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    Primera Disc Publisher Pro with Lexmark Ink Cartridges

    What setting should I set Color Matching to? None, Algebraic or Z-Color. I currently set it to None.
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    Primera Disc Publisher Pro with Lexmark Ink Cartridges

    Manually cleaning the ink cartridges and printing at the highest print resolution seems to make it better.
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    Primera Disc Publisher Pro with Lexmark Ink Cartridges

    Are the print nozzles attached to the the ink cartridges? I'm surprised a brand new oem ink cartridge is already partially clogged. Is there a waste ink tank in the Primera Bravo II? If there is, how do I replace it? I'm afraid of doing too many cleaning cycles.
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    ix6550 Print Head Extreme Close-up (Macro)

    I tried cleaning a clogged head in warm water on a cheap sonic cleaner machine but it didn't work. Basically once a head is clogged, it is often impossible to unclog it. I should try a bath of Windex next time. Would be nice if someone can post a before and after picture of a clogged head being...
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    Canon Pro 100 for $59

    Looks dead. Now is $129.99 + free shipping.
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    Primera Disc Publisher Pro with Lexmark Ink Cartridges

    Amazing it works. I use a color laser printer on 100 lb paper. Now if only Precision Colors sells Lexmark refills, I guess it's not profitable since Lexmark ink cartridges are already cheap enough.
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    Primera Disc Publisher Pro with Lexmark Ink Cartridges

    Where can I buy Lexmark refill kits that are as good as Precision Colors? The ones I got from ebay prints awful colors.
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    Pro-10 for $99.99

    Shipping for me is $80. Looks like a great deal but I don't print photos much, so I will pass. I'm content with my MX922 and precision colors inks.
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    Can I use Epson XP-820 refillable ink in Canon MX922?

    Both printers use 5 inks, are the two inks interchangeable? I'm using refillable inks from Precision Colors.
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    Tutorial to clean clogged print heads.

    Does the Epson Artisan 800 has the same problem as Epson XP-820 of easily clogged nozzles? I had an Artisan 50, it was good while it lasted, don't remember what caused its demise.
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    Tutorial to clean clogged print heads.

    Can you recommend a printer that has these features. 1. Can install an external waste tank 2. Aftermarket refillable inks and cartridges 3. Can print on DVD/CD. 4. Resettable waste ink counter. I recently purchased a Canon MX922.
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    Tutorial to clean clogged print heads.

    I followed the tutorial using Windex, 70% Isopropyl alcohol and Simple Green. There are still many clogged nozzles. Any other solution or method I should try to unclog the nozzles?
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    Epson XP-820. How to fix DVD tray problems?

    It keeps ejecting the DVD tray, is there a tutorial on how to fix this problem?
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    Tutorial to install waste ink tank for MX922

    Welp. I just installed it brand new a few days ago. Hopefully it'll last longer than my Epson XP-820. My Epson XP-820 usually only last a year before the nozzles start to get clogged or the DVD tray stops working.
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    Tutorial to install waste ink tank for MX922

    Is there a video tutorial? Where can I buy a waste ink tank that is compatible with MX922?
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    Tutorial to clean clogged print heads.

    Yes the missing nozzles changes, so it's probably bubbles. I'm using a refillable generic ink cart that uses sponges. Cleaning it seems to unclog it. I just have to be patient when cleaning since it takes an overnight. I should get a Canon backup printer. Seems Canon is more popular on these forums.