Search results

  1. Artefil

    Canon MG3620

    8 times flashing is described here : You're right it means the absorber is almost full. It's a maintenance warning. You must : 1- dismantle the printer in order to replace or renew your waste ink pad 2- Use the appropriate Service Tool to...
  2. Artefil

    Cleaning HP M452 fuser film

    After removing the fuser from an HP M452 (HP M477, M377 are the same) for a paper jam after HP cleaning method, I noticed that the fuser film is quite dirty. I've ordered pressure roller but not suppose to order the fuser film too. So I give a try cleaning the film with isopropyl alcohol...
  3. Artefil

    Brother MFC-J6955DW

    Great ! Now it will be an easy game to play, . Many thanks
  4. Artefil

    Brother MFC-J6955DW

    I met Brother french technical director (during IT partners in Paris La Défense) three weeks ago, but I wasn't able to provide any help.
  5. Artefil

    Brother MFC-J6955DW

    Hello, I'm looking for the flat panel of this printer. Unfortunately I don't have the PN, not found in the part list. I bought the touchscreen part, but unable to find the flat panel. It should be a 3,5" color touchscreen LCD, but when disassembling there is no reference at all, not even the...
  6. Artefil

    MG3650S Ink Pads Full ! What to do ?

    I found a solution for replacing the pads with this : Have done test, it works great.
  7. Artefil

    Repairing Laser printer Fuser Pressure Roller with PTFE heat shrink?

    Hello, Great idea, actually I've one to fix coming from HP MFP M452. The pressure roller is available mainly from China, but I'm wondering how I can use these PTFE plastic tube. Do you just put it on the tube ? Won't it slip ? Must I make the film and the pressure roller become one ? How...
  8. Artefil

    MG3650S Ink Pads Full ! What to do ?

    Service Tool V4718 is for 3600 series, but for MG3650S the appropriate ST is V5103
  9. Artefil

    Do Maxify 5120 printers automatically do a head cleaning?

    I never insult anyone, please respect me, it will prove that at least you are able to discuss as a civilized being. But I'm not sure you can
  10. Artefil

    Do Maxify 5120 printers automatically do a head cleaning?

    And what about this one is it also a troll ?
  11. Artefil

    Do Maxify 5120 printers automatically do a head cleaning?

    A printer in waiting mode is 1Wh, considering the french price of 0,30€ /KWh. You would pay 2,70€ for a year in waiting mode (leaving your printer ON), just wondering how much more the ink will cost you.
  12. Artefil

    Do Maxify 5120 printers automatically do a head cleaning?

    Sorry but just have a look at this quite old CANON reply : "The amount of ink being used does seem excessive, however, I must advise you that your printer will perform a clean every time it is turned on and off and will use ink for this process"...
  13. Artefil

    Looking for QM3-7408-000 (MG5200 Series logic board)

    Great, Many thanks, will see tomorrow evening if the printer will turn on without printhead or not. Do you think that it will also work out of the box. Is it possible to simulate the presence of functionalities by connecting false loads example something that will simulte the printhead existence ?
  14. Artefil

    Looking for QM3-7408-000 (MG5200 Series logic board)

    HI, Everything is in the title I'm looking for a QM3-7408-000 (the logic board for an MG5250, in fact any MG5200 series). Or does anyone knows where the fuse is located. I've changed the QK1-5862-000 (K30314) but it's not the problem, as the printer won't turn ON, next is the logic board...
  15. Artefil

    Do Maxify 5120 printers automatically do a head cleaning?

    I don't know about Maxify, but for Canon printers each time you turn them ON they do a head cleaning. It's the reason why for using ink you'd rather let them ON even if you don't use them. A study about ink use has been done and you can use up to ten more ink thatn really needed.
  16. Artefil

    SERVICE MANUALS LINKS - post here -Compliments of PeterBJ

    WF 5690 Service manual (also for WF5620 )
  17. Artefil

    SERVICE MANUALS LINKS - post here -Compliments of PeterBJ

    Hi, Hope not to late for, but I've got it
  18. Artefil

    Interest in EU group buy Hongsam inks (Evernew dye + pigment)?

    Well, I could interested as well if there's a solution for doing a kind of "starter cartridges" for the printers I'm reselling. (Actually mainly Canon, but can change depending on new agreements that should be taken in the next few months)
  19. Artefil

    Service Tools for Canon Printers

    No problem at all, work fine for 2 MG3650, tested this evening.
  20. Artefil

    Leacraft v. Canon U.S.A., Inc.,

    It is not exactly the purpose of the action which is : Canon never said that you're unable to scan when a cartridge (any of them) is empty. The customer doesn't want to use a cartridge even a refilled one but his scanner. Imagine an Iphone in which you can't take picture because you haven't...