No experience with Precision Color's dye inks, but IMO his pigment inks are the best 3th party available.
If I lived in the States/Canada I wouldn't hesitate.
Due to outrageous shipping costs to Europe no option anymore here.
Compared to it's ancestors the PRO-9500 and 9500 II, the PRO-10 printheads live much longer.
I also buy used printers, but this implies you take a printhead replacement (and waste counter reset/printer potty) into account.
After that the life should be theoretically unlimited.
The printhead...
According to the manual, 20 orange flashes does not exist.
As previously suggested, 10 alternate power and orange flashes indicate B200.
This indicates a worn out printhead, and there is no repair or durable reset.
You should also see the error message on your PC.
The printhead is a user...
This was recommended often indeed, but - at least on the 9500 - printing with BK settings lays less ink, so you don't get the maximum black level (already reduced on matte papers).
Never tried this on the PRO-10, so you can give it a chance.
In case you really have nothing else to do, it would be interesting to compare the measures.
While the accuracy should be +/- 1,5 EV, I can imagine the pastille (in the bottom corner) used for calibration changes with age.
Only for info:
The ink may be dye, but the printers it is used in have the same printheads as the pigment printers if this generation.
I can imagine ink for plotters has particular properties.
FYI all the cartridge types for wide format pigment printers and plotters
I have all three software versions still installed.
I remember I had to register the Colormunki, but this seems not possible anymore. The option also disappeared from the latest (last) Photo application (1.2.2).
Does the Colorpicker (very nice stuff) tab works ?
As far as I understand the...
For info (no personal interest)
Seen on
The printer seems to work, what is your problem exactly then ?
No experience, but a eeprom programmer allows you to overwrite the memory directly with a clamp on the chip contacts.
No idea if this works for Canon printers but some people do it with graphic cards.
If you can get a "good" image...
From my own experience and reading others I think it will be a though job to make one good printer from 4 bad ones.
About the eeprom, I suppose you have the appropriate service tool ? (at least ST5204 according to this forum and my own experience with the PRO-10).
Some diehards reprogram the...
The second link suggest downloading a service tool.
This is how to reset the ink counter, but take care about the version number.
Only versions dated after the release of the PRO-300 are susceptible to work.
Others will block all further access.
FYI: this is (an evaluation copy of) version 5103...
To eliminate the latter you could try to print with a large border (that's why Fine Art settings have this).
I observed occasional banding at the borders with octoinkjet GY too, you could buy an OEM cart.
Got it long ago new in the box for €70 (from a guy who couldn't use it on Linux), so no complaints.
I remember scanning prints to compare the Canon PRO-10 with @Ink stained Fingers 's Epson P400.
Anyway, when it breaks there seems to be an alternative for a reasonable price...
FYI, I tried different greases and fine oil but no avail.
Finally I wiped the bar with kitchen paper with silicon spray ( I know you must take care it doesn't migrate in contacts).
I was able to do about 20 scans without any errors.
Fingers crossed, this scanner is really good for the price and...
I tested it some time ago (and reported with success on this forum) on a MB5350 with Service tool V5204.
The ink purge tube ends in the upper right back, so you could easily guide it to an external waste container (aka printer potty).