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  1. J

    waste ink reset interval

    Epson aside (I did specify Canon) I have mopped up spilled ink with a paper towel and tossed it in the round file - come time to take out the trash the towel is dry ( still pretty colours though).
  2. J

    waste ink reset interval

    I thought the ink (in the typical Canon) was water - why doesn't it evaporate when sucked into the waste pad? If it evaporates, what wet stuff is left to accumulate in the pad necessitating a replacement..
  3. J

    IP 4300/ 4500 Waste Pad Changeout?

    If I can be allowed a supplement to nanosec's post - why does the pad have to be replaced? What goes into the pads is water - why isn't it simply evaporating?
  4. J

    What am I overlooking?

    If you select the printer from 'Start' > 'Printers and Faxes', right click on the printer > 'Properties' and elect to print a test page?
  5. J

    Why I have given up on vacuum refilling.

    I've gradually switched to the German style of refilling.
  6. J

    Canon pixma IP5000 - no cyan at all

    I don't have the nerve to try - can you initiate a nozzle check with no carts in the printer.
  7. J

    Refilling Canon CL41

    A power sander works best. Use a finer grit above the neck.
  8. J

    Purge pads on iP3500

    What material is the pad made from? Would a piece of felt not fill the need. As an aside;what does the pad fill up with?Is not ink mostly water?Shouldn't it just evaporate?
  9. J

    Easy-WebPrint and IE8

    Ok, I shall give it a shot.
  10. J

    Easy-WebPrint and IE8

    Went to install IE8 and it lets me know that Easy-WebPrint won't work. The Canon site says the same - and nothing is offered to make it work. Anyone know about the problem and a workaround? I can't find anything on the forum using the search feature.
  11. J

    Heads up guys- Spam advertising has reached a new low (please read!)

    And you can't say fairer than that, eh?
  12. J

    Berkley Jensen Gloss Paper from BJs

    I never purchased the Oasis letter size - because of the Likon experience. I note that the colour of the packaging on the 'Oasis' is different from previously. The logo on the back of the paper, "Professional Color Paper", is identical on both Likon and Oasis - so it's a roll of the dice what...
  13. J

    Berkley Jensen Gloss Paper from BJs

    Detail from same pic printed on Likon and Oasis, dollar store, photo paper - Canon ip6000
  14. J

    Berkley Jensen Gloss Paper from BJs

    I agree with 'mikling' re the Dollarama paper. The also carry 'Likon' paper, which gives dismal results in my Canon Ip6000 The 'Oasis' 4x6 is 230gm/m2;the Likon is 225/m2.
  15. J

    Print directly from flashdrive on Pixma MP630?

    I can't address that specific printer, but on my Canon IP6000 the front USB port works when a camera (mine uses a CF card) is plugged in using a USB cable. Inserting a usb stick containing images gives an error message.
  16. J

    IP4500 printhead error / defect?

    Don't let it become a habit, eh?
  17. J

    IP4500 printhead error / defect?

    "Uppity"? Unless the word has changed it's meaning, I assume you are running a cotton plantation in South Yorks, UK?
  18. J

    IP4500 printhead error / defect?

    I have a Grade eight education and I don't care to be patronized.
  19. J

    new IP4500 ink levels

    The seller is pulling your leg. They come with regular, filled, carts.