Recent content by SkedAddled

  1. SkedAddled

    Samsung CLP-315W leaves line on first print

    Samsung CLP-13-series printers are junk. I know. I bought one around 15 years ago, and it was great for a few years. Then it turned into a nightmare of nonfunctional garbage: Wouldn't initiate to functional status, kept powering on to an unusable state, removal/reinsertion of imaging drum did...
  2. SkedAddled

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information and Submissions

    I'm gonna take it to the air for my next one:
  3. SkedAddled

    Why does my old HP 6L print images better than my newer HP laserjets?

    I'll agree with the halftone assessment, as well as dithering. In the infancy of printers becoming common in businesses, then consumer-grade, it was common for printers to use halftoning and dithering heavily. This put a more realistic image to the paper as desired by most users. It made for a...
  4. SkedAddled

    Epson 3880 Black Ink Leak Repair

    And as far as introductions go, this may have been better served by posting in a more-appropriate sub-section of the forum.
  5. SkedAddled

    Hi everyone!

    Settle in and post questions, then!
  6. SkedAddled

    Redox - Epson Stylus Pro 3880 leak

    Welcome to the forum Redox, but you may get more information by posting in the appropriate forum section. This is a place for people to introduce themselves, not to ask technical questions.
  7. SkedAddled

    New member

    A fellow photographer here to welcome you, Petemi. Would be a person named Pete, in Michigan? Your username might suggest it.
  8. SkedAddled

    I'm an old hat at printing but I'm not "The Hat"!

    Yeah, we were all Irish on that day, gobbling up tons of corned beef. :drool I welcome a fellow Michigander to this forum. :thumbsup
  9. SkedAddled

    How to lubricate a scanner

    Instead of silicone, look for something which carries Teflon in it. Here in the US, I can get something called Tri-Flow. It has Teflon in it, carried by light petroleum distillates. Wiping away a freshly wet application leaves well-lubricated and clean part(s). For an application such as your...
  10. SkedAddled

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information and Submissions

    Or how about a 1932 Auburn Speedster Boattail:
  11. SkedAddled

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information and Submissions

    Here's a Rolls-Royce Vutotal Cabriolet, 1939, Phantom III, by Labourdette: Largely one-of-a-kind, and this one continues to tour the world circuit.
  12. SkedAddled

    HP M254nw now printing flat black (should be photo-glossy) on 120g glossy paper

    For what it may be worth to you, Gary, another option to protect the paper and give it a glossy surface, is to apply heavy clear packing tape. The super-thin cheap stuff isn't such a great option, while the thicker premium stuff is a better option. It's easily applied to paper, easily trimmed...
  13. SkedAddled

    A great Woman has now passed..

    Should have been 'Great Britain' and Queen 'Elizabeth', if spelling counts. Nevertheless, I feel the loss as a US citizen, as well. The Queen has always been a part of my existence, and her passing ends a significant era of my life. It used to feel that the Queen would remain throughout my...
  14. SkedAddled

    HP M254nw now printing flat black (should be photo-glossy) on 120g glossy paper

    As mentioned, confirm that your paper selection is for glossy laser output. Notwithstanding the fact you've made cutouts on the result you prefer, I notice a lot of wrinkling or shrinkage to the paper: nothing is smooth. Seeing as your print appears to be some sort of mechanical control panel...
  15. SkedAddled

    HP M254nw now printing flat black (should be photo-glossy) on 120g glossy paper

    If the paper is the same, is the toner different? Laser & LED printers operate by heat-fusing plastic powders to paper. If the formulation of the toner material has changed since your successful printing job(s) is different, that could account for the difference. It's also possible that...