Recent content by randyr5

  1. randyr5

    ET-8550 (US) firmware update

    Well, I'm OK with it. Besides, after having owned the 8550 for almost 2 years, I won't go back to a cartridge-based printer.
  2. randyr5

    ET-8550 (US) firmware update

    I just received a firmware update for the ET-8550 (USA). New firmware OP14O8
  3. randyr5

    Epson ET-8550 Firmware Update

    I just received a firmware update for my ET-8550 (USA). I couldn't find a changelog so I don't know what was done.
  4. randyr5

    Private Brand paper made in Germany

    No, this is Berkley-Jensen photo paper from BJ's warehouse club. The package just says Made in Germany.
  5. randyr5

    Epson L8180 (ET8550) no Ultra premium luster paper type

    I have the 8550 (US) and it has the Ultra Luster paper choice. Do you have the latest firmware?
  6. randyr5

    Private Brand paper made in Germany

    If a generic brand glossy photo paper says "Made in Germany" on the package, who is the most likely manufacturer?
  7. randyr5

    First time using ArgyllCMS

    Thanks. Got it set up with both drivers. Works good.
  8. randyr5

    Epson ET8550 - What compatible inks and the quality of them ?

    The 8550 OEM inks are pretty cheap considering the amount that you get and how long it lasts, and their expiration dates are 3-4 years out.
  9. randyr5

    First time using ArgyllCMS

    Hi, I'm a first time user of Argyll trying to create an ICC profile. Charts created fine, but when I go to scan, Argyll doesn't recognize my i1Pro2. What am I doing wrong? Driver missing? UPDATE: I just noticed that The i1Pro is installed as an "X-Rite Device" in Device Manager instead of an...
  10. randyr5

    ET-8550 What is this lever for?

    What is this adjustable lever for on the side of the 8550 printhead?
  11. randyr5

    New Epson Photo printers

    I doubt that they will do B&W photos as well as the 8550 with the lack of gray ink.
  12. randyr5

    New (used) i1PRO2 owner

    I picked up a used i1PRO2, but the iProfiler software won't let me create ICC profiles because it's not licensed for it. How do I go about fixing this? Cost? I downloaded Argyll but am having trouble figuring out how to install. Thanks...
  13. randyr5

    ET-8550 incoming

    After using this printer now for a little more than a week, I don't know if I could go back to a cartridge-based printer. Ink management is pretty much a thing of the past, and the print quality is beyond what I expected.
  14. randyr5

    LD Products ink?

    I just got an Epson ET-8550 and will be using OEM with it. I was inquiring about LD for my former Canon printer.
  15. randyr5

    ET-8550 incoming

    I got the 8550 set up and all I can say is WOW. I was using a Canon TS9020 (also a 6-ink printer) and I had the hardest time color matching what I saw on my monitor. That and the pain of constantly filling carts. This Epson matched my monitor right off the bat. Photos are stunning compared to...