Recent content by nickyk13

  1. nickyk13

    pixma pro 100s 15 flashes, all lights on

    Thanks Jimbo. My resetter just flashes, never gives me a solid light but I'll redo all of that.
  2. nickyk13

    pixma pro 100s 15 flashes, all lights on

    Hi all. Once again trying to do a little printing. After refilling a few empthy tanks I'm surprisingly greeted by 15 flashing lights. So clearly one of the tanks isn't recongized (so I thought). Sure enough GY wasn't illumnated red. So I replaced it with a brand new, never used, GY and it lit...
  3. nickyk13

    greetings! happy new year! possibly dead forever 100 pro?

    Muchas gracias The Hat, And you know what? Today it works perfectly well. So go figure. Trust me, if it acts up again, I'll chime in again with numbers of blinking lights, for sure. Yesterday I was pulling my hair out. And there's less than there once was. OK. Gotta say, I love a printer that...
  4. nickyk13

    greetings! happy new year! possibly dead forever 100 pro?

    Greetings 🎉 all and happy new year dear printers. I'm Nick. A getting old-ish, life long photographer who like most doesn't want to buy another printer if I don't absolutely need to. I bought this canon pro 100 printer in 2018. It hasn't gotten a lot of use. Today I'm getting alternating white...