Recent content by DaveM

  1. DaveM

    Canon Pixma ip5000 driver problem

    Dear Peter, I am happy to report that repeated cleaning finally saved the day - many thanks indeed for this and all your other helpful suggestions, which have been duly noted for future application if required! Forums like this are a real godsend for the uninformed and/or unwary! Dave PS your...
  2. DaveM

    Canon Pixma ip5000 driver problem

    Hello Peter, .....someone with some brains I see (as distinct to the writer)! Thank you for pointing out the obvious to someone (ie me) who cannot see what is not in front of him! So 3eBk is the culprit? er.... but what might the possible remedies be - buy a new 3eBk ink cartridge for starters...
  3. DaveM

    Canon Pixma ip5000 driver problem

    update......(even worse!) well, now the black is completely invisible, despite OK nozzle check! (digging a big hole and falling down into it........) Regards, DaveM
  4. DaveM

    Canon Pixma ip5000 driver problem

    Dear All, My first problem, alas, is probably stupidity, since I've tried so many things I can hardly remember which now. I did however reset the counter, apparently successfully, and the nozzle check seems to be perfect (I am familiar with and have examined this check on many occasions in the...
  5. DaveM

