Recent content by Artur5

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    Thoughts on OrcaSlicer for 3D Printing?

    Frankly guys, I don't understand why anybody would use CURA in the first place. To me, it's the ultimate product of a sadist who must hate mankind in general and 3D printing people in particular. A nasty unfriendly interface that seems to be shouting at the user 'go away you fool !". A couple of...
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    B200 error on canon pixma pro100s

    Probably you'll need to remove the cabinet in order to access the printhead. See this thread from 2021 :
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    Somebody who can help me to print something in 3D ?

    Actually I included those holes and rod merely as a travel stop, to avoid that the sensor goes beyond the edge of the paper. When that happens, the Istudio software detects the difference of color between the white paper and the table below as an extra patch, seeing 11 patches instead of 10 and...
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    Grey in nozzle check where it should be cyan!

    No, that’s impossible. Grey has only one row of nozzles (let’s call them big nozzles). Cyan has two channels (one of big of nozzles and one of small ones). Both rows are connected to the output of the cyan cartridge. If the problem was a rare ‘bug’ in the driver or firmware and the printer used...
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    Colormunki Photo device and ccStudio

    Anybody here looking for a second hand Color Munki Photo ?. Look no further. That's an incredible bargain ..:p...
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    Somebody who can help me to print something in 3D ?

    Send me a PM if you want details about the assembly, but it's quite straightforward. I used cyanoacrylate and four steel rods of 2mm to join the two parts. Replacing the rods with filament probably would be OK as well.
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    Somebody who can help me to print something in 3D ?

    There is the first version in two parts. I joined them, using 2mm. steel rods and some glue.
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    Somebody who can help me to print something in 3D ?

    Year ago I printed a ruler-guide for my Color Munki. Looks similar to your model,but it has some 'extras'. See the old thread: P.S: Since then I modified the design because I have now a printer capable of printing it on a...
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    Trusted ink supplier for an italian customer?

    Octoinkjet sells to continental Europe. I've ve been purchasing from them for years. Even after Brexit, there's no problem with Customs fees or taxes, provided the value of the order is under 150 euro. It's just like purchasing from the continent. Shipping costs are also very reasonable...
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    Printing on cast paper with the PRO-10

    Yeah, that hack seems to me the only valuable asset of Qimage. I still don't understand why this program disables advanced printing settings on all my Canon and, what's worse, it doesn't restores those settings after you quit Qimage. That's idiotic. It's a chore having to re-enable manually...
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    WIN 11 migration - dinosaur printers ??

    My five cents: Stay with WIn10. Nothing in Win11 is worth the hassle to update. As for Win10 support ending Oct2025, my copy of WIn10 hasn't been updated since 2019 and it runs without any problem.
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    My MAXIFY 5350 is on refill ink

    Update : after printing several jobs using the USB cable, the problem hasn't reappeared, what reinforces our assumption that it was just a Wifi issue.
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    4 Colour 3D printer

    Old Joe has lost all his credibility for me, since the misleading and almost dishonest marketing claims on their latest models... but I won't enter into this here. One thing to consider about big printers is that they are far more hungry on Kwxh. Obviously it takes more energy to heat a 35x35...
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    4 Colour 3D printer

    As far as 3D manufacturer marketing is concerned I'm HIGHLY skeptical about all the claims they make about those awesome features. I believe maybe 10% of all this hype and, on second thoughts, only 5%.. 600 mm/s printing speed with supreme quality my foot (and theirs ). It seems that Creality...