Thank you for your reply, you are really helpful on all the questions I have and I am grateful for that. The air in the dampers is something I knew (for like 2-3 years, preivously I filled them lik 80% and wondered why I got issues :D), but to be honest I never knew the reason why they should be...
Hello guys,
It is me again. I just received the 106 CMYK and LC LM T54C inks and I plan to put them in my Epson L1800 which is currently using the 673 inks.
I was wondering what will be the most "professional" way to do it? I was thinking just to suck out the inks from the tanks and the inks...
Out of curiosity I was even more puzzled when I saw you are actually using it for the colormunki. Because I also have one, what is the purpose of the rail (maybe using it with Agryll). Sadly so far I've only used it with the standard ccstudio / colormunki software, because when I first...
Thank you, your reply had a soothing effect, I was getting overwhelmed but comparing fade tests and wondering what will be the best. I will just go 106CMYK and T54C LM LC like I intended to :)
By the way - I see you still have your L805 - in the forum I think I saw that you use/used pigment...
Thank you, I will probably go full Printfab for B&W image on the L1800.
Thank you again for your so detailed response. L1800 does not provide this ABW but for this I will go Printfab because I already own the software anyway. Yes, I remember making profiles like for like a month for the...
Thank you - I keep close track on your ink tests, they are of much help, especially on the 106 114 t54c inks, maybe I will just change for the 106 t54c because of the longevity, since you said there will be not much improvement visually or on the L values.
As for the papers I usually...
Thank you for your response.
Actually for each patch I measured it 5 times and wrote the middle values for each L*a*b.
Actually after the ink settled for more than a day I can barely see differences in the black patches - maybe it is more obvious when freshly printed, which leads me to believe...
Hello and thank you for posting this. This is a really interesting article, thank you - that explains the LM LC mixing I wonder if they also did some trick for the K and this is why it appears a different shade and performs differently (because in the article I did not see any comment about K...
Hello again,
Just measured the test patches for black after 11 hours, on matte paper the difference is not so big but on the glossy it is visible:
Matte paper L*a*b* for L1800/L850
15,6 1,3 -3,6/16,2 1,3 -3,8
Premium glossy paper L*a*b* for L1800/L850
2,9 2,2 -4,2/3 2,9 -3,7
Do you...
Thank you, I will print both matte and glossy icc profile charts and tomorrow morning measure the lab values but visibly the black is much leaker on the L1800.
I do not now if the inks are mixed, I am just puzzled and trying to wrap my head around this - first thing that came to mind is either...
Hello again,
Been around for quite some time wondering if to change the L1800 original 673 inks to the T54C inks. Because I nearly depleted the T673 inks in the printer I now decided to go for it and order the T54C inks but just before that I noticed something bizarre. Although the L1800 and...
Hello again,
Thank you for your time and your detailed responses and please excuse me if I was not clear with my posts - I was just curious if you maybe still had the L1800 and compared it directly to the L8180.
For now I decided to keep the L1800 and put the SL-D500 inks in it and invest the...