Epson XP600 paper jams

Russell Mitchell

Printing Apprentice
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Printer Model
Epson XP600
Hi All,
I am not sure if I am in the right forum and I am sure someone will put me right on this, thank's
Can someone PLEASE PLEASE HELP??? With an Epson XP600 Paper jam problem.
I have an EPSON XP600 all in one printer running on Windows 7.
It is giving me a constant problem with a paper jam error when I change the Printer Preferences from Text & Image to Photo or Best Photo.
It prints Text & Photo or lower quality OK but any settings above Text & Image always result in a paper Jam. I have tried various quality and thicknesses of paper with no success.
The problem seems to be as follows:- Normal paper feed when printer is set to Text & Image paper is fed through to approx. 45mm with no reverse feed, and prints just fine.
When the printer preference setting are set to Photo or Best Photo the paper feeds through to approx. 20/25mm and then it reverse feeds which results in a paper jam. A paper feed test has been done and there are no problems there, I have checked the Duplex unit and all seems in good order, as it should be.
I have to say Epson are not very helpful with this problem they only suggest solving the problem by the user manual, none of their fault find finding tips work.
ANY help or advice would be most well come.


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Toronto, Canada
This sounds like it needs warranty.
The paper handling of the XP600 is superior to that of the Artisan line. Canon printers handle feeding better than Epson and Epson is probably one generation behind in understanding how to build a good cassette feed.

Russell Mitchell

Printing Apprentice
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Printer Model
Epson XP600
This sounds like it needs warranty.
The paper handling of the XP600 is superior to that of the Artisan line. Canon printers handle feeding better than Epson and Epson is probably one generation behind in understanding how to build a good cassette feed.

Thank you for the input it's very much appreciated.
Unfortunately the printer is out of warranty, my fault only found the prob after the warranty ran out. Stupid me.
The printer works fine it is only when you want to change the print settings, this also appliers when you change scanner settings to best.
The Epson adjustment program will run most of the Adj tests with no problems, other Adj tests are giving the paper jam result with the feed retract.
This problem is always when the paper feed retract is applied by the printer for whatever reason.
I'm not sure why the paper should ever be retracted may be it's incorporated when the print quality settings are changed?? EPSON not much help with this either.
I feel there has to be an answer to this some where.

Again may thank's for your input.



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I'm not going to pretend I have an definitive answer but one thing has pinged up as something to look at.

The XP-600 has two different paper trays with the top most tray primarily for photo quality papers. Could your printer be accidentally picking up from the wrong tray somehow or pulling some well hidden media from the top tray without you realising?

It's an idle thought but figured there's no harm in mentioning it, just in case.

Russell Mitchell

Printing Apprentice
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Printer Model
Epson XP600
I'm not going to pretend I have an definitive answer but one thing has pinged up as something to look at.

The XP-600 has two different paper trays with the top most tray primarily for photo quality papers. Could your printer be accidentally picking up from the wrong tray somehow or pulling some well hidden media from the top tray without you realising?

It's an idle thought but figured there's no harm in mentioning it, just in case.

Thank you for your input it is much appreciated.
Unfortunately been there, and I used the printer minus the top tray same problem,, in fact I did try to use and print on photo quality paper from the upper tray. SAME problem even with photo quality paper.
Again many thank's and please keep any ideas you have coming.


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Oct 27, 2005
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You're welcome Russ... I'll let the sleep deprived noggin wander aimlessly for a bit longer but one thing that might help..

Can you take some pictures of the paper feed at the read of the printer by removing the duplexer unit at the back and taking shots of the duplexer from all angles (flip open the internal grey part too for some shots) and also some on high shots peering down into the back of the paper feed mechanism.

Comparing those image to the unit here may well provide some insight if something has popped out of position, broken off or similar.

Russell Mitchell

Printing Apprentice
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Printer Model
Epson XP600
You're welcome Russ... I'll let the sleep deprived noggin wander aimlessly for a bit longer but one thing that might help..

Can you take some pictures of the paper feed at the read of the printer by removing the duplexer unit at the back and taking shots of the duplexer from all angles (flip open the internal grey part too for some shots) and also some on high shots peering down into the back of the paper feed mechanism.

Comparing those image to the unit here may well provide some insight if something has popped out of position, broken off or similar.

Thanks for that, PLEASE stay with me on this.

The duplexer has been striped I don't know how many times and all seems to be as should be. One thing I did find/notice on the first strip down was that the large feed roller (not the roller spindle) bar had a bend in it due to the strength of the 2 x springs pushing on the small roller at the back of the unit. These were changed for lighter springs the bar is now straight problem still the same. Please note springs were changed back to the originals just to check that the problem still persisted then changed back to the lighter springs.

Back to the photos and something out of position, it might be best if I take photos of the unit in pieces first please let me know on this one. It only takes 5mins to strip down the unit.

Can I please ask if you have ever used the XP600 Engineers reset adjustment program for this printer, it's just that I have this and also the service manual for the 600. I am unable to perform some of the required adjustments in the program due to paper jam error.



Printer VIP
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Oct 27, 2005
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South Yorks, UK
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Epson, Canon, HP... A "few"
Thanks for that, PLEASE stay with me on this
I'll do my best to hang on for you... I always relish challenges even if I find myself cursing at time ;)

The duplexer has been striped I don't know how many times and all seems to be as should be. One thing I did find/notice on the first strip down was that the large feed roller (not the roller spindle) bar had a bend in it due to the strength of the 2 x springs pushing on the small roller at the back of the unit. These were changed for lighter springs the bar is now straight problem still the same. Please note springs were changed back to the originals just to check that the problem still persisted then changed back to the lighter springs.

Back to the photos and something out of position, it might be best if I take photos of the unit in pieces first please let me know on this one. It only takes 5mins to strip down the unit.
If you can take pictures at each stage of a standard look see and a strip down will still be useful although I'm only really planning to check against my unit without stripping it to bits.

Can I please ask if you have ever used the XP600 Engineers reset adjustment program for this printer, it's just that I have this and also the service manual for the 600. I am unable to perform some of the required adjustments in the program due to paper jam error.
I haven't bothered looking for one as time has been short but I've plenty of experience in using others albeit primarily for waste ink settings or diagnostic info.

I'll wait on those pics though and see if anything shakes loose from them.

Russell Mitchell

Printing Apprentice
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Printer Model
Epson XP600
Good morning UK time,
I will do my best with the pictures, it will take a little time though need to sort something out to do the best job. Question how many photos will I be able to send, never done this on a forum B4.

I gather from our conversation that you have an XP600 ??

Is there any chance that you could please check out the paper feed sequence on your XP600 for me?? Using the following Print Property settings 1) set at text & image, 2) Print Properties set at Photo (this is when I get my paper jam. You will have to cheat the cover switch to see this under the cover. Sorry no doubt you already know this.

The paper feed sequence on my unit is as follows 1) Print setting Text & Image paper feed 65mm start printing no problem at all. 2) Settings changed to Photo paper feed 25mm then retract and paper jam.

Please let me know if your XP600 has the same feed pattern. I feel this might help eliminate the duplex unit.

Look for forward to your results, mean while I will take some photos.


Russell Mitchell

Printing Apprentice
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Printer Model
Epson XP600
Managed to take some photos for you to have a look see, I just hope the file Epson XP600 photos uploads OK. No file is to large only allowed 10x photos to upload. I will do this in two Hits. Please let me know if you receive them. (There should be 20 x photos in total).
Best of luck.


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