Artisan 1430 Will Only Accept One Genuine Ink Cartridge At A Time Before Failing On The Last One. Help


member 17632

I have an Artisan 1430 that looked like it was rejecting all ink cartridges at first. I know there's a bug where if you didn't have ink cartridges in the printer before powering off, and you inserted new cartridges while the printer was off, when you power the printer on, it would show it needs ink installed. But this one is reading and accepting each genuine cartridge at a time. I unfortunately only have third party cartridges for one color left. I noticed when I insert the last ink cartridge, all ink cartridge lights turn back on like the other cartridges aren't installed. It will accept one or two at a time until the last one.

I have:
-Reset the ink counter (unrelated but while I'm in the technicians program)
-Checked for errors in the tech program. The only error is ink out which is true for one color channel
-Downgraded the firmware
-Replaced the CISC ink detection board

I have a genuine LC cartridge coming. But I have a feeling it's going to do the same thing it's doing with the third party cartridge that was in it instead. Has anyone found a solution for this? I've read about it an abundance of times without resolution. Thanks in advance

Ink stained Fingers

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Platinum Printer Member
Dec 27, 2014
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Printer Model
L805, WF2010, ET8550, T3100X
and you inserted new cartridges while the printer was off,
That's not a good idea and can cause the problems with cartridge recognition as you currently experience. You would need another, separate set of cartridges which the printer has not seen before as I remember when I was using cartridge based printers.

member 17632

That's not a good idea and can cause the problems with cartridge recognition as you currently experience. You would need another, separate set of cartridges which the printer has not seen before as I remember when I was using cartridge based printers.
Thank you for the advice! I just purchased a full set of ink for it. Fingers crossed it will resolve the issue. I'll be sure to only put cartridges in once the printers on from now on as well. I'll report back once I test it more.

Ink stained Fingers

Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
Printer Model
L805, WF2010, ET8550, T3100X
Assume this for an experiment - every ink cartridge - actually the chip - does not just store ink levels as the firmware is writing to the chip but carries as well a unique serial number.

Now do one experiment - turn off the printer and remove one cartdidge and insert another one, and power up the printer and the status monitor to see the ink level; you get an error that the ink level of that swapped ink is off - you go through the replacement cycle and you'll see that the firmware does not show you the ink level of the replacement cartridge but the ink level of the one which you removed - it was remembering the data of the previous cartridge. And there is more confirming this - you cannot reset a cartridge which you printed empty - but if you reset a cartridge and plut it into another printer you suddenly see it at full level , and that works similar with Auto reset cartridges if you swap them between printers. That's the background to use fresh cartridges which the printer has not seen before. There are more of such effects, and some get the printer firmware into a kind of error condition rejecting all current cartridges.