"Never go to the West Side Market while hungry"!What has been, is now and may always be - the original Bertman Ball Park Mustard!
Actual Progressive Field all beef hot dog with Bertman Ball Park Mustard:
Fer cryin' out loud, I did!This is your pic, well then why didn’t you say so.
Cheeky monkey. I see what you did there.The POW will look great with Bertman Ball Park Mustard on...
Mmm, German sausages and German mustards! German beer cannot be far away.I think I need some mustard
What’s this all about, is the sun getting to you...@The Hat --- colors - paints - inks are just fading in the sun...
Do you also have the giant salted soft pretzels we find at our summer events?
That should be big enough for our @stratman, give that man a beer...20" x 28" is the largest brezel they can do
Can one be in love with a pretzel?20" x 28" is the largest brezel they can do