New profile posts

Hey Jose'. You posted some very informative videos about the Canon Pro9500 MkII. I have a 9500 MkII with a "no power up" (no lights/sound when pressing power button)Canon K30309 power adapter tested and showed no more than 7.89dcv across the 9pins. sounds like replacing the print-head or logic board. But I don't want to just throw parts at it. Do you have any suggestions for the next steps?
Yes, I know that and the instructions actually state this.
The zero are for pristine holes in the catridge AFTER ball is removed and the sides are not nicked and MUST be SEALED with tape thereafter. The low clearance plugs are for drilled holes.
I own an Epson Stylus Photo R2000 and got my first “Parts inside your printer are near the end of their service life" message today. How do I purchase your Reset Tool program CD? Incidentally, how many more images can I print before my printer stops working? Should I stop using it until I get your CD and reset the counter? Any information is much appreciated.
Thanks, all the best.
--David Reddig.
The Hat
The Hat
Again, Normally you get Feck all feed back in this New Profile Posts Section, try posting your request directly in PM to Jose or on the open forum...
Hi to all on this forum site. I hope I can get some great advice from the experienced, the unbiased and the knowledgeable members here.
Hi Joe, I just posted about a deep magenta color cast on my 7800. I wonder if you have time to look at the pictures. Have you seen this in an Epson printer before?
Thanks Pkk
The Hat
The Hat
Again, Normally you get Feck all feed back in this New Profile Posts Section, try posting your request in PM to Jose...