Two Epson Artisan 1430 Printheads With The Same Issue [Video Inside]


member 17632

I have two Epson Artisans with a similar printhead clog and was wondering if anyone has dealt with printheads behaving this way when trying to flush out the clog with solution? Not a single channel sprays out the straight line like a normal clean one would. The funny thing is, I shipped one of the two to a customer that returned it for me to check out again because it wasn't printing correctly. I personally remember this printer to be the best 1430 I had with no issues whatsoever. What would cause this immense looking failure in such a short amount of time? The buyer has been pretty laid back about it all so I don't think he's pulling a fast one. But long story short, has anyone encountered the 1430 printheads just dribbling out instead of fanning a perfect lined stream like normal? Thanks in advance.

Here's a video to show what I'm working with. You can see that I was very much pushing solution through the head with these results.