Print Addict
I received my inks today from Precision Colors Ink. So I attached my 2" blunt needle to my syringe and took a pushpin and made a hole in the cartridge for the German Method. All went extremely well until got to my Cyan Cart. I had one heck of a time trying to push the needle through the sponge and no matter how many times I tried it kept hitting an obstruction with about 1/2 inch to go. I got overzealous and ended up bending the needle. I decided to go back to the old top fill method with this cart. I wound a rubber band around the factory orange bottom plug/stopper and removed the little ball to facilitate filling. Let me state in no uncertain terms that this was not a good idea. It seems that while the hole you put in the cart for the German Method won't leak a drop when you fill using the German Method, it leaks like a stuck pig when you "also" try to top fill. So let my misfortune be a lesson for other novices out there. Either try one method or the other but not both without first sealing the German fill hole.