Pro 7600 Ink shots and such

Ink stained Fingers

Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Dec 27, 2014
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L805, WF2010, ET8550, T3100X
I'm running an old Epson 24" Pro 7600 since quite a while, no problems so far, quite amazing for a printer about 15 years old.
The nozzle check gives some usage information beyond the check pattern - total ink usage and paper length printed,
I'm at 22.8 l ink consumed, all inks together, and the printer counted 3098 meters of paper. The printer runs with 7 colors, 96 nozzles each per ink, black, gray, M, C, Y , LM and LC . Putting these numbers together I get this:
3098 m of paper at 24" makes about 1859 sqm, and 16 A4 sheets are 1 sqm, so I printed an equivalent of
29 744 A4 sheets, with 22.8 l of ink = 22 800 ml, this makes 0.76 ml/A4. I'm actually printing about 10% on smaller papers which I can't get into these numbers, so the ink coverage goes up slightly. I did a similar measurement with an old R800 with a CISS and a waste ink bottle, that printer was using about 0.85ml of ink for an A4 print, borderless so the numbers match. And a number of 1ml/A4 is a good upper limit and a number easy to use.
The printer runs with 96 nozzles per color, 672 total, the smallest droplet size is 4 pl, and since I'm running most prints in high quality mode I'm using this number.
22 l are 22 x 10 exp 12 picoliter divided by 4 (pl per droplet) makes 5.5 x 10 exp 12 droplets in total, all colors. And all these droplets printed by 672 nozzles give a number of 8.2 x 10 exp 9 or 8.2 Giga-droplets per nozzle - if all nozzles would get the same share which is not the case. The usage of light inks is higher than the usage of the regular colors so that's a gross average not taking any variations into account and more than offsets the waste ink loss for some colors.
And the printer is still printing along - with pigment inks and a cleaning cycle now and then. Cleanings are not very frequent, cartridges with 220ml don't trigger many cleaning cycles, and I'm refilling mostly several cartridges at the same time - all below approx 35% .


Getting Fingers Dirty
Sep 22, 2016
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Printer Model
Epsom RX650 A730 A1430 R1900
Great info, I LOVE my Pro 7600, has not missed a beat since I got it working. Amazing printer.