Poll to add new sub-categories in the Inkjet Manufacturers Areas



As it might be easier for members to respond to a poll I am attempting to create one.


Wow! 55 views and 2 votes. Certainly an un-opinionated crowd here. I guess nobody is interested in the proactive improvement of this forum, or don't respect the ideas of newer members?


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Nov 5, 2004
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San Francisco
Un-opinionated? not interested in the proactive improvement of the forum? No respect for the ideas of newer members? Wow! Three slams in only two sentences!!!! You're a man of few (very critical) words!

As to the charge that we don't respect the ideas of newer members - Your post with a poll was not deleted, nor was it criticized. That very few people participated tells you that there are not that many who are in need of the change you've suggested. With some patience you may have more response in days of weeks. The forum does not have a paid, professional IT person who manages the software. When there is a sufficient demand by the participants for a change such as this the administrator would look at it with respect to the limitations of the forum software, the degree of time and effort that would effect the change, and the real expectation that the change would result in a great benefit to the participants. So far, you have noted that there is no groundswell of desire for subcatagories.

Proactive imprvement of the forum? Nothing is perfect. This Forum isn't perfect, and improvement does occur incrementally with many participants contributing. It is unusual for any forum to have such a new participant pressing for "proactive improvement" so soon. We have many thousands of satisfied members some of whom are active participants and others who are observers who prefer to quietly learn what they can from the forum. We welcome any expansion of knowledge that can help the participants, new and old. New information is gratefully received and new ideas are respected and tested by the degree of participation they receive.

Some of us are occasionally accused ot being opinionated, not UN-opinionated! Most often this revolves around the issue of preference for OEM carts and specific brands of inks. To be opinionated is to hold fast to views without receiving evidence that another view may be equal or superior. By and large, the opinons expressed here have been tested by many participants and found to involve materials and/or procedures that are most valid and trouble free. If you read through all the threads, from the very oldest to the most recent, you will see that new ideas and techniques have been continually presented that have improved, and will continue to improve, the techniques of printer maintenance and management of inks and carts.

In a previous thread you were critical of the focus on older Canon printers to the exclusion of the newest models. It happens that the older units have 1) no chips on the carts or have resetters to permit refilling and 2) are currently in wide usage and have frequent questions posted regarding maintenance or functional issues. So far it appears that, from the response to your posts, there is not an overwhelming interest in the newest models yet. Given a bit of patience you may see a greater response in a matter of days or weeks.

Having been involved with the forum from its inception nine years ago I can see that lessons learned (with Canon printers) from bci-6 cart refilling applies directly to the next generation of carts, and that is true through many iterations of the canon cart changes we've seen. Although there are now carts that are substantially different that present additional complexities to refilling, the accumulated knowledge of past versions still has considerable value. Even with subcatagories, newer participants would be referred back to lessons learned with previous generations of carts.

That was the long answer - the short one is --- you and other new participants are more than welcome to contribute. If the forum as it is presently constituted pleases you, stay on, contribute, and participate. If the depth of your disappointment is so great, as expressed in your last post on this thread, you may need to find another forum that suits your needs or possibly start your own.

This is a moderated forum. We appreciate constructive posts. Your last one, as noted in the first lline of this post, was negative and non-constructive in my view. To disagree is respected. To be disagreeable is not.


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Jan 4, 2012
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Canon Pro9000 II

An excellent and eloquent statement of the reasons why this forum is respected worldwide.



Print Addict
Platinum Printer Member
May 6, 2011
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Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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Epson L800, 1400; ML-2165W
Excelent points, fotofreek!

This thread/poll was 7 hours old when you wrote "un-opinionated crowd", "nobody is interested" and "don't respect"... A little premature, don't you think? I read you post here and I viewed your poll, but didn't respond because of the implications of option 2: "No, I don't like change." It seems you are engaging in a discussion with preconceived ideas about the people on this forum. I didn't like that and chose to ignore your poll.

You chose "FastForward" as your nickname. Excelent choice!


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Oct 27, 2005
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South Yorks, UK
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Epson, Canon, HP... A "few"
Far be it from me to start handing out pitchforks and firebrands but perhaps it would be prudent to step back, breath and review the information provided and what this little community of geeks/nerds/etc offer.

It's easy to come barging in, telling everyone how they got it wrong but considerably harder to eat humble pie and admit you started off on the wrong foot.

Shall we start over?