
Getting Fingers Dirty
Nov 3, 2004
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This is exactly the kind of COMMERCIAL PROPAGANDA I hate so much--

Pc Magazine test of aftermarket inks-- here:,aid,111767,00.asp

PC World makes all its money advertising for companies like Canon and other major manufacturers.

So what do you think they will report, that you can buy cheap ink that works well at 1/12 the cost of Canon ink??

Hell no.

Instead they print a misleading lie like this (from the link above):

"But some inks, even those that made good-looking pictures, didn't always work well. All three aftermarket black inks for the Epson C82--OA100 (purchased from PrintPal), G&G (from Computer Friends), and the no-name ink whose package had only a rainbow logo (also from Computer Friends)--plugged up the printhead nozzles so quickly and consistently that we had to abort some of our tests. But the color inks from these three companies all worked well in the Epson printer. (We bought a fourth brand of aftermarket ink, Print-Rite, for the C82 but dropped it from our tests, as the printer wouldn't install any of the cartridges.)"

>>>>>>>Not only did I test nearly a dozen brands of inexpensive inks, but none of them failed by clogging my print heads-- especially the G&G ink which I use on a daily basis, which I have used for a year to print tens of thousands of documents, which has no more tendency to clog than Canon or any other brand.

DO NOT TRUST THE MEDIA, commercial magazines, commercial web site who sponsor paid advertising.


Printer Guru
Jun 5, 2005
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To Neil Slade,

When I became a serious student of ink jet printers, I relied on google far too much---but if you google ink jet printers, you get something on the order of 49 million hits. And when Newton Minnow said television was a vast wasteland, it was long before the internet---I can't rememebre how much garbage I waded through to find this site and your site more or less at random-----I finally found some serious good information from people who were unbaised. To date, I have found less than a finger and toes set of decent sites.

But as soon as you mix advertising from people who trying to sell something, truth goes out the window
faster than the speed of light. You are correct, we can and should demand better.

It sadder still when we just expect garbage as a norm.


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Oct 27, 2005
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South Yorks, UK
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Epson, Canon, HP... A "few"
Osage said:
I can't rememebre how much garbage I waded through to find this site and your site more or less at random-----I finally found some serious good information from people who were unbaised. To date, I have found less than a finger and toes set of decent sites.
Yep... I found that ultimately the best place for some good printer advice was actually over the phone from *gasp*, real people.. Weird how you find yourself returning to the "old" methods :p

But as soon as you mix advertising from people who trying to sell something, truth goes out the window
faster than the speed of light. You are correct, we can and should demand better.
Would be nice but when you're faced with the guy who supplies you with the goods to sell and your customers are, in the main, uninformed and unwilling to take the time to educate themselves properly... well.. utopia sort of sounds about right..

Damn, when did I get to becomes such a complete cynic :(


Printer Guru
May 25, 2005
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B.C. Canada
When I started my business 3 years ago, I was recommending Epson printers to customers who were looking for long-lasting prints. I printed the same 8.5 x 11 photo with several Epson, Canon, and HP printers, using genuine inks and compatible inks as well. I then laminated them and posted them outside the door of my business, in direct sunlight, so that people could see the results for themselves.

The result??? After 3 years, the photo printed wih Epson Durabrite ink looks almost as good as it did 3 yrs ago. All of the others have faded to the point as being hardly viewable. The compatible inks DID fade first - no doubt about that.

The same photos were printed at the same time and posted inside my business on a wall. All look OK 3 yrs later, but the Epson looks best.

I don't sell Epsons any longer, since I prefer the cost-effectiveness and refillability of Canons, but as far as longevity goes, Epson appears to still be the best. The market is going to get interesting next year as Epson drops out of the low-end printer market. As far as I am concerned, there is a niche in the Market for a company to make a low-cost, easily refillable printer with long-lasting prints. I think that they would clean up.

Anyone want to go into business?

Tin Ho

Print Addict
Apr 24, 2006
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There are far too many product reviews that are really just commercial propaganda. It's fairly easy by common sense to identify such propaganda. Well, watch out for negative propaganda as well. G&G cartridge problem is one example. It was a disblieve to me when the leaking problem was posted here. If the problem isn't true such negative propaganda at the end hurts the consumer ourselves. G&G may be our friend if they do well. We lose a good friend who supplies low cost alternative to all of us if we beat it to death on this forum. Not a good thing to do. I thought it was really something big deal that was worth Epson' effort to sue G&G. I heard it was the spongeless cartridges that got them into trouble.


Printer Guru
Jun 5, 2005
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Well, what a coincidence--------------I get in my email in box an invitation to take a survey from PC Magazine. ( note not PC World--who conducted the the link test Neil was complaining about)

But PC Magazine did give a e-mail address for additional comments related or not related to the survey.

and that is

I certainly plan to write and tell PC magaazine I am not happy with their printer coverage either.


Printer Guru
May 25, 2005
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B.C. Canada
To Tin Ho..

There indeed was a problem with G&G cartridges. I had several customers come back with leaking cartridges, and have had to replace cartridges on at least 12 printers. Every time I sell one of these BCI-6 carts now, I worry that the customer will be back. I hope my latest batch, which got here a few days ago, won't have the problem. This problem is real!


Getting Fingers Dirty
Aug 5, 2005
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I have been testing G+G cartidges for about 2 years. Some of the early cartridges did have some clogging and leaking issues, The redesigned cartridges ( avoid patent issues and improved design ) do not appear to have any clogging or leaking issues. When I conduct a test a minimum of three printers are used and at least 6 cartridge sets are run through during the test. I normally run one printer till the print head cloggs. This sometimes takes dozens of cartridges and I do the same with the Canon OEM cartridges. Only issue that showed up was a less than perfect color match. If you test different brands without cleaning the printhead all bets are off.

I have also tested many other brands of far eastern and European compatibles. Only one other brand did as well and they were not tested by any US publication that I am aware of. There is a lot of junk ink out there and the US publications seem to test them more than the latest improved quality cartridges.
