One Colour Won't Print


Newbie to Printing
Oct 31, 2006
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After my HP27 cartridge was empty, I used a Fillz-All kit to refill it. When I blotted the ink with a paper towel, only blue came out, so i let sit on the rim of a mug full of hot water for a few minutes.

When I blotted it again, at first yellow and red could be seen, but then yellow stopped appearing. When I run the clean function on my PSC1210, it prints blue and red, but no yellow. I've tried this several times already, and for some reason, the yellow is always there at first, but stops afterward. Any ideas?


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Toronto, Canada
First of all, Fillz-All is that a universal kit? you should know better but it's not likely the real cause.
Two things. Did you continue to print after the cartridge was empty. I want to hear you didn't or your chances are less than good tor success. If you did not, then you possibly introduced some air into the cartridge by refilling from the top. Let me guess you got those accordion thingies?
Best way out IF you did not print with the cartridge after it ran out is to get a priming tool. or put it in a ladies stocking with the nozzles facing out and put a plastic bag over it and start spinning it to get some ink to the heads.
Good luck.

Tin Ho

Print Addict
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
When you refill the cartridge did you insert the needle of the syringe to the bottom of the sponge? If you did not you may have created an air pocket inside the sponge which may stop the ink flow to allow ink to effectly feed the print head. Well, this is a tricky part of refilling HP ink cartridges. If you did insert the needle to the bottom you may puncture the fine metal mesh at the bottom. So you really want to refill before the cartridge becomes empty then you don't need to insert the needle to the bottom.

Anyway, try to tap the cartridge with the hadle of a small screw driver for a minute. Yes, that means holding the tip of the screw driver and hit on the cartridge repeatedly with the handle of the screw driver while your other hand is holding the cartridge. Give it the shocking vibration for one minute and drive the air pocket out. This will even out any internal pressure or vacuum. This should work if the print head is not yet clogged.