New Member, Gary


Newbie to Printing
Dec 29, 2024
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Epson ET-8550
I'm glad to have found the PrinterKnowledge forum. I came across it while searching for information on setting up ArgyllCMS on a Mac. There are some really helpful threads going back as far as 2012 with members sharing setup info and, target printing and profiling steps, and more. My current challenge is using a Spectrolino/Spectroscan I acquired from eBay to produce printer profiles through ArgyllCMS for a new Epson 8550.


Fan of Printing
Dec 8, 2024
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Printer Model
Epson SC P900
I'm glad to have found the PrinterKnowledge forum. I came across it while searching for information on setting up ArgyllCMS on a Mac. There are some really helpful threads going back as far as 2012 with members sharing setup info and, target printing and profiling steps, and more. My current challenge is using a Spectrolino/Spectroscan I acquired from eBay to produce printer profiles through ArgyllCMS for a new Epson 8550.
Welcome aboard @garymacf
II am new to this forum as well.
According to this website, those devices are supposed to be supported, yet maybe you have already gone down that path, and the website is outdated.
I thought it was worth mentioning.

John Wheeler


Newbie to Printing
Dec 29, 2024
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Printer Model
Epson ET-8550
John, nice to "meet" you on the forum. Yes, I checked the ArgyllCMS pages before getting the SpectroScan to make sure it would work with the software. That seems to be one of the problems with using these older devices, because the software that used to drive them is difficult to find. But I'm pleased to say the SpectroScan is chuckling away in the corner reading one of my first targets. My goal now is to create a target in maybe a 10x10-inch square that uses the 475-patch with added grey-scale patches that Pharmacist introduced quite awhile back. I think that might be just what I need to test a half-dozen papers for the Epson 8550. Are you doing printer profiles as well, and if so, what equipment are you using?


Fan of Printing
Dec 8, 2024
Reaction score
Printer Model
Epson SC P900
John, nice to "meet" you on the forum. Yes, I checked the ArgyllCMS pages before getting the SpectroScan to make sure it would work with the software. That seems to be one of the problems with using these older devices, because the software that used to drive them is difficult to find. But I'm pleased to say the SpectroScan is chuckling away in the corner reading one of my first targets. My goal now is to create a target in maybe a 10x10-inch square that uses the 475-patch with added grey-scale patches that Pharmacist introduced quite awhile back. I think that might be just what I need to test a half-dozen papers for the Epson 8550. Are you doing printer profiles as well, and if so, what equipment are you using?
Hi Gary
At present, I am not doing ICC profiles. I have an Epson printer and use ICC profiles from the paper companies for the paper/printer/ink/I am using. If I ever free up enough time, I may reconsider doing ICC profiles again and follow your lead. I have downloaded ArgyllCMS and read the documentation some time, yet I never got over the hump of taking it through to implementation. It appears to be a very complete software package.
The equipment that I used (and still have) is the Eye-One-Photo Gretag MacBeth Rev B photo spectrometer and all its accessories.

One thing that you should consider is to see if Xrite does re-certifying for your Spectrolino/Spectroscan. They are relatively stable equipment compared to monitors, yet given enough time, their accuracy can also degrade. I had that done for Eye-One Pro a while back, and they did an excellent job with a detailed summary provided when they returned it to me.

Don't be surprised if I contact you sometime in the future about your experience if I ever have the need and the time to do my profiling. Glad it is working for you.

John Wheeler