A few days ago, my parents bought an Epson printer - Stylus DX7000F - from the net. After a five day usage, during which we printed 8 photos on 13x18 paper and 3 coloured document pages, the ink cartridges ran dry. I was stunned when I've learned that this printer had a very high cartridge consumption, even though I've told my parents that the vending price is not imprtant and that we should consider the ink consumption also - no one listened to me .
Now we've decided to sell this printer and buy something more economic and I'm asking for your help. Can anyone recommend me a printer with a good cartridge consumption and print quality which costs around 200$?
Thank you
Now we've decided to sell this printer and buy something more economic and I'm asking for your help. Can anyone recommend me a printer with a good cartridge consumption and print quality which costs around 200$?
Thank you