Name and shame? - seller of CIS system


Printer Guru
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
UK, London
Just something that popped into my head...
I used to have a CIS for my MP830
I'd bought from a seller

The support received was appalling and REALLY bad

Everything OK for 18 months
Then I move the damn printer (it had remained stood still before then and never moved an inch)

Then the CIS stopped
I emailed the seller multiple times - no reply
I called the seller - on the 3rd or 4th time I got an answer
He told me that it had got air inside somehow and pointed me to some of his videos that showed how to get rid of the air

I spent hours in total trying to fix
Several more calls, no answer... then I got through again!!
He gave more instructions

More hours wasted :(
After this, no more answers to telephone calls
No answers to repeated pleas of help by email

I suggested that I send the unit back + be happy to pay to get fixed or pay for a complete new one failing that if it was beyond repair

YES: it was more than 12 months old
But the fact that messages were never answered + telephone calls never picked up (apart from twice) left a bitter taste :(
+ As I said, I was happy to pay for a new damn unit!!!!!

I EVEN bought 3 more systems from the same seller for other people - I hope they don't come back asking for help!

After this, I purchased refillable cartridges - these lasted maybe another 12 months before the printer conked out complaining of the print head

The seller: well, as far as I know, there is ONLY one seller of CIS - there's ONLY one big player in the market it would seem

No... I won't name and shame - I've got over it now, now I live in refill heaven

Just wanted to know what others have experienced of the CIS's?
(Whatever you do: DON'T move the damn printer!!!)


The Hat

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OM2 The support received was appalling and REALLY bad

Everything OK for 18 months
Then I move the damn printer (it had remained stood still before then and never moved an inch)
Omar this thread certainly gave me a good laugh if nothing else.
You had your CISS working perfectly for 18 months and then it packed in.

The CISS fail to work properly simple because of something you did and not the supplier.
How long of a guarantee do you think the supplier should give you.

I dont know which company you bought your CISS from but theres a limit as to just
what therere liable for when it comes to after sales service.

If you read his instructions carefully, his guarantee only covers the CISS unit its self +
installation and not the transportation and maintenance of it and its not lifetime.

They do however cover very extensively by phone/email your initial setup and any help
that you may need to get the CISS up and running properly.

Any subsequent problems and maintenance are as (you said) are covered in videos on the website.
Its generally known on this forum that CISS are not good bedfellows of Canon printers and for good reasons,
so if you dont have a need for high volume printing then the CISS is not going to function very well after its been left idle indefinitely.

Maybe it is just as well you didnt mention which company you purchased your CISS from because youd be doing them a great injustice.
Failure on your part of not looking after youre CISS and printer is only down to one person, by all means seek help
to rectify any problems you may have but you should endeavour to cut down on the mudslinging as it wont get you anywhere.

Frustration can take hold of all of us at times but stop and think before lashing out at someone even if you think you have good cause too.
For the record, I dont work, associate or have anything to do with any CISS suppliers in any way whatsoever,
as I am a confirmed OEM refiller.

Keep up the good fight refillers', and Happy printing.. :)


Printer Guru
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
UK, London
The Hat said:
Maybe it is just as well you didnt mention which company you purchased your CISS from because youd be doing them a great injustice.
Failure on your part of not looking after youre CISS and printer is only down to one person, by all means seek help
to rectify any problems...
yes, sure u have a point
but i still stick to my guns! :/

let's say you bought a bmw car
and it stopped working after 3 years...
when u went back to them... they wouldn't answer ur calls or letters - despite u saying that ur happy to buy a new damn unit!
i used to go round singing praises for ciss systems!! not any longer though + would urge anyone not to shop with this particular company!!


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Mar 9, 2011
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Maybe if you had said you bought a Hyundai & it stopped working after three years your point would have less impact Omar. I don't think buying a DIY CIS unit to save money by using cheaper inks & making modifications to the printer is comparable to buying an expensive BMW which people would expect to get better after sales service than they would get at Hyundai. The main problem is what happened in your email & phone exchanges with the CIS company but we don't know how the conversations were conducted. When they picked up the phone did you hear anyone say "Oh no, it's Omar again":)
Anyhow you seem happy enough now with the refilling of cartridges which is a lot less problematic than CIS units I think.
Regards Rod


Printer Guru
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
UK, London
i am very polite always
complaining and standing up for your rights is one of my favourite past time i have to admit :)
but, i only ever complain when needed and won't just do
in this case, i really do think i was given bad service
this company i think is quite successful and maybe i was only a drop in the ocean for them

i don't think he was ignoring my calls - most likely too busy making money selling the ciss kits

+ yes of course, we're all blinded a little and don't always see our own faults :)