When researching what inks can be mixed in cis systems a lot is said about pigment vs dye based ink but very little about mixing (Like with Like), EXAMPLE, MIXING ONE CLARIA TYPE DYE BASED INK WITH ANOTHER BRAND OF EXACTLY THE SAME PROFILE! The information seems to vary between "Good Golly" no, never do that all the way to "I do it all the time and it's no problem! I'm about to change from one ink to another in an Epson 1400 and I decided to run down the ink I presently have and then cut and reconnect the 6 tubes to the new bottles of the other ink I wish to try. That way I'm not mixing ink in the first bottles, I'm running what ink is left in the tubes after making the cuts through the printer head and following that with all new ink. My thought is, how awful can that be when I realize that in the beginning I ran the Epson OEM carts and that Epson Claria ink as directed and then did the same sort of switch to a new ink and all that without a hitch! What are the thoughts out there guys? Make sense or am I missing something here? This is my first message and I am a rookie printer so please "Be gentle" . Thanks, "printfan1138"