Mixing inks ( like with like)



When researching what inks can be mixed in cis systems a lot is said about pigment vs dye based ink but very little about mixing (Like with Like), EXAMPLE, MIXING ONE CLARIA TYPE DYE BASED INK WITH ANOTHER BRAND OF EXACTLY THE SAME PROFILE! The information seems to vary between "Good Golly" no, never do that all the way to "I do it all the time and it's no problem! I'm about to change from one ink to another in an Epson 1400 and I decided to run down the ink I presently have and then cut and reconnect the 6 tubes to the new bottles of the other ink I wish to try. That way I'm not mixing ink in the first bottles, I'm running what ink is left in the tubes after making the cuts through the printer head and following that with all new ink. My thought is, how awful can that be when I realize that in the beginning I ran the Epson OEM carts and that Epson Claria ink as directed and then did the same sort of switch to a new ink and all that without a hitch! What are the thoughts out there guys? Make sense or am I missing something here? This is my first message and I am a rookie printer so please "Be gentle" . Thanks, "printfan1138"


Getting Fingers Dirty
Mar 10, 2010
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printfan1138 said:
The information seems to vary between "Good Golly" no, never do that all the way to "I do it all the time and it's no problem!
Your first reaction is on the money. I'm also in the ink mixing business and people in general tend not to like this and with good reason. I have a canon mp250 so if my nozzle clogges I don't really care and chuck out the cart and insert a new one. (Nozzle is in the cart). If your nozzle/printhead is fixed inside the printer itself you may want to be carefull. New printhead tend to cost a pretty penny.

To answer your question: I think if you mix a dye with another dye ink from another brand there should be no problems in terms of clogs. But (and this is a big but) if you don't trust mixing inks, flush out the leftover ink with demineralised water (or soft tap water).

Good luck! :lol:


Thanks Mike for your input. Thing is your advice is spot on but I think, being the lazy type I am, I will just use the ink left in my cis bottles and when I get to the point where the old ink is used up I will just cut the tubes off at the bottle end, say a prayer, and reattach the tube ends to the new ink and bottles. At least that way I'm not mixing a lot of inks in the bottle but it gets to the end of the tube and starts in sucking the new ink right away and I will be doing a lot of purge pages at that point! That ink is supposed to be formulated to Claria dye type ink as is the ink in the printer right now. I'm thinking...Well OK "guessing" they are very similiar formula's.
I will mix the inks in a plastic cup and see if anything weird happens first. I don't want to mess up an Epson 1400 but since I bought a refurb for $149.00 it would not be the end of the world and I figure worst case I can run head cleaner through it if necessary! I'm switching everything over to InkJetCarts inks and cis systems because I like the company and after a ton of research I think they are as good as it gets. Plus the owner Ross Hardie is amazingly helpful and knowledgeble. I read he has over 30 years of experience in the printer business.I have e-mail'd him with a lot of questions and he has always gotten right back which I appreciate very much. That is rare in my experience with most online companies. I sure like places like this where people with common interests can compare experiences and I will be sure to submit a followup on what happens with the Epson. By the way Ross said "probably better to clean out the dampers and tubes before going to a new ink", so I hope he forgives me for going with my own idea this time, I usually listen to his advice but as I said I'm the lazy type and might just pay the price, time will tell! Thanks again for your thoughts and It will be awhile before I do anything as the inks are lasting a long time. Thank God for cis systems, I figured out the 6 bottles of ink from InkJetCarts at just under $60.00 (240ml) each and the same amount of ink in Epson inkjet carts ( OEM) at , at least $1260.00. I can buy a lot of Epson Refurbished printers for that difference! Regards and good printing. Printfan1138!