Getting Fingers Dirty
I discovered some months ago this forum, and it is an unvaluable source of information
I would like to thank all the expertise advice that is given here everyday. I have found a lot of interesting topics in the F.A.Q. and other articles such as "German method", printhead conservation, use of pigment and dye blacks in canon printers, chip resetter and various reviews etc.
In fact, thanks to the extensive research in topics like "anatomy of a canon printhead", magnified printhead tests, taped nozzles analysis and the colors used to print grey shades and patterns, I think I was able to diagnose my printing problem. So I'm pretty sure that some kind of electrical problem almost killed my loyal i865. According to the advanced check page, we shared about 6 years, 10.000 pages of all flavours and 500 cd/dvd together
Now she
is taken over by her granddaughter ip4700, but I presume I will have to be more caring in the daily use. Soon I will count on websnail to feed the newcomer
and share the results here.
I discovered some months ago this forum, and it is an unvaluable source of information
I would like to thank all the expertise advice that is given here everyday. I have found a lot of interesting topics in the F.A.Q. and other articles such as "German method", printhead conservation, use of pigment and dye blacks in canon printers, chip resetter and various reviews etc.
In fact, thanks to the extensive research in topics like "anatomy of a canon printhead", magnified printhead tests, taped nozzles analysis and the colors used to print grey shades and patterns, I think I was able to diagnose my printing problem. So I'm pretty sure that some kind of electrical problem almost killed my loyal i865. According to the advanced check page, we shared about 6 years, 10.000 pages of all flavours and 500 cd/dvd together

Now she