Intermittent No Cartridge error while printing


Newbie to Printing
Mar 5, 2017
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Printer Model
Epson Stylus Pro 9890
Need urgent help from Epson experts

After switching on the EPSON Stylus Pro printer 9890 sees and detects all compatible non-OEM cartridges (9 colors) as it should be. When sending photos to print, the printer is set up and gives an error message No Cartridge, Replace Ink Cartridge, color CYAN.
One trick I figured out: When I open an ink cover where inks are stored (left cover) and I close it back, the printer sees that Cyan cartridge again and continue the printing. However, today this trick doesn’t work anymore, the printer doesn’t see the cartridge, hence I am not able to print anymore.

Printer: EPSON Stylus Pro 9890
Compatible non-OEM cartridges: from Inksystem company 700 ml (Russian resellers)
Ink: from Inksystem

Tried to nullify compatible cartridges via the resetter, tried to replace 3 different chips for CYAN, the problem exactly the same, while original OEM cartridge sees and prints without problems.
Tried to update Firmware (the last version from the website) and drivers on a computer.
Tried to insert the CYAN chip, on other compatible cartridge (empty, defected), the same problem.
Tried to push a cartridge behind, on each side, from below for better contacts, but still the same.

Half an year ago, that compatible cartridge appeared to be defective and flooded ink via air channel all the way to air pump. I have cleaned everything, and replaced only one compatible cartridge that time. And everything worked until now.

I have no other cartridges and chips for further troubleshooting. The cartridge order will arrive only after 2 weeks. I have many orders to be done, and I really need to fix this printer ASAP.
So far I have no idea what can be the reason of this weird, intermittent failure. Logically it cannot be software problem as I updated firmware, and OEM works well. Cannot be print head, bad contact because OEM works great. Logically should be cartridge or a chip, however I changed 3 different chips with exactly the same problem.
May be somehow mother board can recognize OEM and not OEM chips somehow, but then why after opening and closing ink cover it can recognize back? May be something related to ink cover? That Cyan cartridge located the first from the left.
Yours faithfully, Anuar

The Hat

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@anchik1881, I am no expert on Epson printers but, I do know if your using compatible cartridges in your printer you should never allow or do any firmware upgrades ever.

Firmware upgrades are one of the main reason why compatibles fail and OEM’s work, you’ll have to get a new set of compatibles with brand new chips that can work with your new firmware, check with your ink supplier before purchasing any new cartridges...


Newbie to Printing
Mar 5, 2017
Reaction score
Printer Model
Epson Stylus Pro 9890
@anchik1881, I am no expert on Epson printers but, I do know if your using compatible cartridges in your printer you should never allow or do any firmware upgrades ever.

Firmware upgrades are one of the main reason why compatibles fail and OEM’s work, you’ll have to get a new set of compatibles with brand new chips that can work with your new firmware, check with your ink supplier before purchasing any new cartridges...

Your statement sounds logical to me. What if I roll back Firmware version, should it work? Where can I download older version of Firmware for Epson Stylus Pro 9890?
