Bx305f and cyan color issue. Help me...


Print Lurker
Sep 1, 2015
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Printer Model
Bx305f epson
Hi, I'm new here and I hope to fix my issue in my Epson printer.
I use rechargeable cartridges.
The issue is that cyan color doesn't work.
I tried to make a lot..a lot...heading cleanings and i drained at least one charge for each cartridge.
Then I tried to use alcohol, and then ammonia through a syringe on the cyan nozzle directly but i still have the same problem.
I tried to use a cloth soaked with ammonia rubbing between headings and nozzles. Then I tried the alcohol through this method but i didn't fix my issue.
Sometimes when i printed the headings test page I rarely have found some trace of cyan color but only some trace.
Do you how can I solve my annoying trouble.
Thank you for reading..

Ink stained Fingers

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Dec 27, 2014
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there are various reasons possible, it could be the ink clogging the printhead, or some air trapped somewhere. Did the problem happen suddenly, or over time ? Did you print frequently, or only with greater intervals ? You have done all typical tricks and measures to unclog the nozzles already, there is another way some people try - they use a syringe filled partially with a nozzle cleaner, with a short piece of tube which fits tight onto the part in the printhead which picks up the ink, and onto the syringe on the other end you first suck a little amount of ink out, then press a small amount of cleaner into the cyan channel, and you repeat that cycle several times, and then try to print a nozzle check again. This way you get the cleaner into the ink channel from the top , and you try to suck any residue back out again.


Print Lurker
Sep 1, 2015
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Printer Model
Bx305f epson
there are various reasons possible, it could be the ink clogging the printhead, or some air trapped somewhere. Did the problem happen suddenly, or over time ? Did you print frequently, or only with greater intervals ? You have done all typical tricks and measures to unclog the nozzles already, there is another way some people try - they use a syringe filled partially with a nozzle cleaner, with a short piece of tube which fits tight onto the part in the printhead which picks up the ink, and onto the syringe on the other end you first suck a little amount of ink out, then press a small amount of cleaner into the cyan channel, and you repeat that cycle several times, and then try to print a nozzle check again. This way you get the cleaner into the ink channel from the top , and you try to suck any residue back out again.

Thank you for reply.
I tried to spray ammonia and alcohol with syringe and a needle cap with hole on end connected at syringe even if probably I think that the pressure wasn't enough. However I tried to incline the syringe and cap to get a better pressure.
I'll try again and i would stick a scotch tape both at the ends of cap to syringe and at the nozzle.
Which nozzle cleaner brand do you suggest me to follow the method you wrote me?

Ink stained Fingers

Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Dec 27, 2014
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L805, WF2010, ET8550, T3100X
I think you could use any of those cleaning agents which you already had in use. The tightest area in the ink path is the nozzle, so if there is anything blocking the ink path it would make sense to try to pull it back , by creating some underpressure there, and then pushing the cleaning agent back in, and doing this cycle several times, that's the idea of that practice, it worked for me several times with Epson printheads. I don't think you need too much pressure really for that process. But if it doesn't work there could be other reasons why Cyan does not print anymore. Just to give you an example , there is a small fine mesh wire filter in the ink path just before the ink outlet in most of the refill cartridges, and I had one cartridge with this filter completely blocked with whatever residue out of the ink - o.k. that cartridge was used quite heavily. That cartridge could be cleaned by pushing some ink into the outlet with a syringe, and sucking the loose flocks and particles away via the fill hole. That got the cartridge working again, but I replaced it with a new one after a few days.


Print Lurker
Sep 1, 2015
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Printer Model
Bx305f epson
I think you could use any of those cleaning agents which you already had in use. The tightest area in the ink path is the nozzle, so if there is anything blocking the ink path it would make sense to try to pull it back , by creating some underpressure there, and then pushing the cleaning agent back in, and doing this cycle several times, that's the idea of that practice, it worked for me several times with Epson printheads. I don't think you need too much pressure really for that process. But if it doesn't work there could be other reasons why Cyan does not print anymore. Just to give you an example , there is a small fine mesh wire filter in the ink path just before the ink outlet in most of the refill cartridges, and I had one cartridge with this filter completely blocked with whatever residue out of the ink - o.k. that cartridge was used quite heavily. That cartridge could be cleaned by pushing some ink into the outlet with a syringe, and sucking the loose flocks and particles away via the fill hole. That got the cartridge working again, but I replaced it with a new one after a few days.

Ok. My cyan color rechargeable cartridge is new and i noticed many times much ink around the nozzle. Then I think that it isn't a clogged cartridge or blocked filter.
In your method that you suggested me to pull back the ink from printheads but did you mean through the nozzle, didn't you?
Because like I explained you I followed the procedure with syringe and cap on the nozzle trying to pull back and push the cleaner in the circuit...

Ink stained Fingers

Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Dec 27, 2014
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L805, WF2010, ET8550, T3100X
I'm using a cleaning tool for the reverse sucking method as per attached image,
I loosen the printhead carriage and move it into a convenient position and place a folded piece of household paper unterneath as it fits, I fill the syringe with 3 ml cleaner, place the tube over the ink pickup rod, pull first and see some ink coming, then bubbles, I push the cleaner back in, this cycle about 3 times, and then - if any cleaner got into the bottom of the carriage -I pick up the cleaner from there with the syringe as the last clean up step. With the cartridges fitted again I run a cleaning cyle and a nozzle check. I just yesterday got a R265 working again with this approach which was idling for quite some time. I do that procedure almost directly if a cleaning cycle does not help, I'm using less ink that way. Cleaning Tool.jpg

Wasting ink with refill ink may not cost as much, o.k., if you use the WICReset utility you have a function available 'Ink Charge' besides the normal cleaning function which can be used as an extended cleaning cycle as well, uses more ink and fills the wast ink pad quicker, but that utility may help as well in some cases, and not all functions are available for all printer models.
Those functions are free with this utility, only resetting the waste ink counter will be charged around 10$. For me this cleaning method works quite well, not in all cases I admit - o.k. or not all nozzles get free again, I may try it again a day later, but then it's over for a printer.
Use the typical protection measures for your hands and your workspace when operating with ink, placing some paper underneath the printer is quicker than removing ink stains afterwards.


Print Lurker
Sep 1, 2015
Reaction score
Printer Model
Bx305f epson
I'm using a cleaning tool for the reverse sucking method as per attached image,
I loosen the printhead carriage and move it into a convenient position and place a folded piece of household paper unterneath as it fits, I fill the syringe with 3 ml cleaner, place the tube over the ink pickup rod, pull first and see some ink coming, then bubbles, I push the cleaner back in, this cycle about 3 times, and then - if any cleaner got into the bottom of the carriage -I pick up the cleaner from there with the syringe as the last clean up step. With the cartridges fitted again I run a cleaning cyle and a nozzle check. I just yesterday got a R265 working again with this approach which was idling for quite some time. I do that procedure almost directly if a cleaning cycle does not help, I'm using less ink that way. View attachment 3284

Wasting ink with refill ink may not cost as much, o.k., if you use the WICReset utility you have a function available 'Ink Charge' besides the normal cleaning function which can be used as an extended cleaning cycle as well, uses more ink and fills the wast ink pad quicker, but that utility may help as well in some cases, and not all functions are available for all printer models.
Those functions are free with this utility, only resetting the waste ink counter will be charged around 10$. For me this cleaning method works quite well, not in all cases I admit - o.k. or not all nozzles get free again, I may try it again a day later, but then it's over for a printer.
Use the typical protection measures for your hands and your workspace when operating with ink, placing some paper underneath the printer is quicker than removing ink stains afterwards.

Thanks for protection measures informations..
These days I've had my hands stained...:p
It's a useful prescription...
When you write to loosen the printhead carriage what do you mean?
I want to sure to have understood the method. Do you pull and push ink/cleaner from nozzle?
I didn't loosen the printhead carriage and I don't know how can I do..
You fit a piece of paper at the bottom to avoid the liquid sprinkling?
For WICReset my printer is not included into compatibility printers list, then I can follow only the manual procedure.
But before I throw out my printer i would sure that I can still use it.
These days I'm not in my house then I can't try your good suggestions..

Ink stained Fingers

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Platinum Printer Member
Dec 27, 2014
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L805, WF2010, ET8550, T3100X
W'ICReset - just instal it and check whether the routine recognizes your printer, you can make readouts - status - waste ink counter

Power on the printer, the head starts moving away from the cleaning unit, idle positiion, and pull the power cable quickly to interrupt this startup sequence, and now you can freely move the printhead carriage left and right into any convenient position

First pull the syringe to suck ink out of the ink channel, then push some cleaning fluid back in, the pull/push again