How long do you think printers have left in society?


member 17632

This is a bit of a deep question and I hope to see peoples opinions on the subject. Over the last twenty five years, we've seen a major shift from writing letters to sending email. Then as the internet grew, newspapers started turning to digital formats in favor of physical newspapers. The newspaper industry alone is in shambles for the most part currently.

I did read an article about how home printing and printing in general may be being phased out over the course of time. I can't imagine not being able to create the physical copies of the images I like most. But like how music streaming and cars with performance as a subscription, it's aligned with the path of not owning a single thing anymore. It's an obscure topic, but I would enjoy hearing everyone's opinion.

member 17632

Printers will last as long as there’s ink for them..
Just because someone invented the wheel, didn’t stop people from walking..
I was hoping to hear your opinion on the matter and this actually makes a lot of sense. Genuine ink costs more per drop than Dom Perignon. I highly doubt printer manufactures will give that up. Hell, one company ditched Laser printers all together recently because the profits are in ink.