Epson Stylus Photo 1400, ciss, ink, photo paper, profile


Newbie to Printing
Jan 22, 2011
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Hi everyone,
I am new on this forum, I have found so much good tips, but I am also bit confiused as each beginner, I apologize if this topic has already been covered.

I am a user of canon pixima mp540, OEM carts refilled with the octoinkjet inkset + united office photo paper from lidl supermarket( made by Sihll) and I am quite happy with the result even without profiling, but as I was looking larger format, I recently purchased new Epson Stylus Photo 1400 from uk pcworld for just 169 pounds.

looking for some advice from epson 1400 users and not only :

1/ I am going to install ciss straightaway, so what's the best one : InkRepublic, FotoRite, Coralgraphic, Rihac, Piano Book, mabe you recomend a different one, also if you have a bad experience using one of them pls tell me ;

2/ then what ink is working good with this printer (epson 1400) and selected ciss ;

3/ I also looking for affordable A3 photo paper, which not going to ruin my budget, would you recomend one ( will be mostly print color on A3);

4/ and on the end, how to set up profil

sorry if my english is not clearly, I've tried my best :)

thanks for help in advance for everyone

The Hat

Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Jan 18, 2010
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Residing in Wicklow Ireland
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Canon/3D, CR-10, CR-10S, KP-3

I cant answer all of your questions so I will try just a few.
Congratulations by the way on the purchase of your new Epson 1400 youll be happy with that.

I have used the CISS system on several of my Canon printers and its not the CISS thats important,
as most of them are very good, but the way their installed and the ink that goes in them (follow instructions carefully).

Check out any of the good ink suppliers in your area, email them for any question you might have
regarding their inks before you purchase or go with Octoinkjet if youre happy with them.

I found that HP large format rolls of photo paper are by far the most affordable
way to print on A3 +, just cut to the size that is required for each print (61 cm. is a good size).

As far as colour profiling goes, get set up first and dont worry about profiling,
you can get great results from your pictures using Photo Elements for sure..

I cant help you with the rest as I dont do Epson printers (strictly Canon) me.. :)