Print Addict
For those of you that either backup your commercial DVD's or print your home made DVD's there is now an alternative for those seeking a "GLOSSY" hub printable DVD. Until now I have always used Taiyo Yuden glossy media with outstanding results. They have printed beautifully with my ip5000 but since getting my MP640 I've noticed that the printer leaves 4 dull rub marks/lines on the discs after printing. It does not do this if I apply a glossy sticky label so I know the problem lies with the finish on the Taiyo Yuden discs. My solution was to try some different discs. Today I received my first cake box of Verbatim AquaAce Glossy Hub printable discs and am happy to report that they print wonderfully and don't have any dull lines running through them after going through my MP640. The finish is not quite a glossy as the TY but to me they look more like a commercial DVD finish. A tad more glossy than semi-glossy but not exactly what one would call high gloss like the TY. As for playablity I can't say, being as I just received my shipment today. For those interested, I got them from . They are Verbatim AquaAce Glossy, white hub printable 16x, 4.7GB, PN96552 for $34.99 with free shipping per 50.