Couple of articles... Constructive crit please..


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Oct 27, 2005
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South Yorks, UK
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Epson, Canon, HP... A "few"
Found some time to write up a couple of topics that have been swimming around in my brain for a few months now and post them up on the site but I wanted to see if anyone had any comments or amendments to make.

First up is a general article about why "New!" printers aren't always better than an older model.
5 Reasons Why New is Not Always Better

Hopefully it strikes a chord but I can't help but thinking I've missed something else out so input welcome on that one...

The Second one is a bit closer to home for me and is about the state of play with regard to being able to reset the waste ink counter on Epson inkjet printers.
Epson, IPR tools and new twists

That one I'm a bit more sure about but I'm aware I left out the bit about Canon pulling the same stunt with their later models... I suspect that would confuse the issue anyway, but again it feels a bit wordy so thoughts welcome.

Have to admit it's nice to finally find a little time to actually sit and write an article, let alone two, after so much time running around sorting out suppliers, nappies, bank managers and $deity knows what else... :)


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Jun 16, 2006
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La Verne, California
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Epson WP-4530
5 reasons--and then you only go up to 4!! If the last paragraph is number 5, you ought to put a number in front of it.

There were a couple typos in it. Better proof-read it again carefully.

I recently purchased several MP780's for around $50 from people who only upgraded because they wanted wireless!! But I think you're missing the boat here, I love it that people want to get rid of their really good printers at really good prices and buy a new one for whatever "Not Always Better" reason. You should write an article (or expand this one) about the bonanza of better printers becoming available on the used market right now and how to buy one so that you don't get burned. The main point is that you want to see it doing a nozzle check and you must pick it up yourself before you commit to buy (avoid eBay). It would also be good to see the purge system working and having genuine OEM cartridges is also a very good sign, especially if they have a few extra ones.


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Oct 27, 2005
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South Yorks, UK
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Epson, Canon, HP... A "few"
ghwellsjr said:
5 reasons--and then you only go up to 4!! If the last paragraph is number 5, you ought to put a number in front of it.
ROFLMAO... Oh dear... you're right... Author #fail
EDIT: I'd forgotten to number point 5 so that's fixed.

There were a couple typos in it. Better proof-read it again carefully.
There always are, but thanks for the heads up... I'll sort them tomorrow when I re-read it all fresh.

I recently purchased several MP780's for around $50 from people who only upgraded because they wanted wireless!! But I think you're missing the boat here, I love it that people want to get rid of their really good printers at really good prices and buy a new one for whatever "Not Always Better" reason. You should write an article (or expand this one) about the bonanza of better printers becoming available on the used market right now and how to buy one so that you don't get burned. The main point is that you want to see it doing a nozzle check and you must pick it up yourself before you commit to buy (avoid eBay). It would also be good to see the purge system working and having genuine OEM cartridges is also a very good sign, especially if they have a few extra ones.
Hmm... Not entirely a bad idea actually although it could become a monster article series...

I'll see if I can add it in, if/when I get any time in the future.


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Jun 16, 2006
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La Verne, California
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Epson WP-4530
Your second article needs some explanation at the beginning so that the uninitiated will know what in the world you are talking about. The people who are going to get burned by their printer getting its waste ink pad full (or at least the printer claiming that it is full) will be rather surprised to learn that there is such as thing as a waste ink pad.

And I would think that they might be concerned that if you can just go in there and reset the indicator, what happens if it really does overflow? Do I get ink all over my desk top? (I actually did, so it is no idle concern.) Or worse, suppose I have reset the counter once and it comes up empty again and I decide to take my printer into the service center because I'm concerned that an overflow might be eminent (not realizing that it has already happened) and I put the printer in the back seat of my car and when I remove it, there is a black stain on the seat (that didn't happen to me but I came close).

Also, check for typos on this one.


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Oct 27, 2005
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South Yorks, UK
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Epson, Canon, HP... A "few"
ghwellsjr said:
Your second article needs some explanation at the beginning so that the uninitiated will know what in the world you are talking about. The people who are going to get burned by their printer getting its waste ink pad full (or at least the printer claiming that it is full) will be rather surprised to learn that there is such as thing as a waste ink pad.
... and this is why I ask for feedback...

Excellent points... I do have a general intro to the issue of waste ink but it isn't stickied or highlighted so yeah, this does need at least a mention at the start.

And I would think that they might be concerned that if you can just go in there and reset the indicator, what happens if it really does overflow? Do I get ink all over my desk top? (I actually did, so it is no idle concern.) Or worse, suppose I have reset the counter once and it comes up empty again and I decide to take my printer into the service center because I'm concerned that an overflow might be eminent (not realizing that it has already happened) and I put the printer in the back seat of my car and when I remove it, there is a black stain on the seat (that didn't happen to me but I came close).
Must admit I didn't consider this aspect of things but yes, all good points to add in... Actually I think they're a whole other article but definitely important for those folks who are buying in and/or using reset utilities and ignoring the pads.

Also, check for typos on this one.
I know there's going to be a few UK vs' USA spellings in there but yeah I'll take a look while I'm waiting on these laptops to update.