I started seeing some horizontal bands in photos I print with my IP4000 earlier this week. I have been trying to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it for the last few days.
The first thing I tried was the cleaning and deep cleaning cycles. This resulted in no change to the photo output results. At this stage, it was frustrating because the nozzle check pattern looked OK at first glance. So I had to keep printing pictures to check the output.
Eventually I noticed that, in the light cyan and light magenta blocks of the test pattern, there were sections with bands in a similar pattern to what I see in the photos. It's weird because the banding does not show up in the entire block. It looks like there are eight adjoining columns printed in the color blocks. The banding appears in the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth columns. Eventually I found a service manual for the IP4000 online. I was able to print the service test pattern which revealed that there was a problem in the light cyan and light magenta. Oddly the pattern for the light cyan and light magenta look identical. They are missing the same lines. The test prints two 4x32 grids for each color. The first grid is missing the horizontal lines in the 12th and 28th column. The second grid is missing the horizontal lines in the 6th and 22nd column.
I checked the FAQ and found the thread on cleaning the printhead and tried the method described by panos in post #4. This did not change the results at all. The service test pattern looked the same as before. There was no change. I then tried again but let the printhead soak on the wet tissue for 30 minutes. Again I saw no change in the service test pattern.
Should I try different cleaning methods? Or is my problem not a clog? I ask because:
1. Any attempts at cleaning have had no effect whatsoever.
2. The light cyan and light magenta are failing in the exact same way.
More possibly relevant info:
1. I have noticed the problem only when printing photos on photo paper. Printing on plain paper looks OK.
2. I use only Canon OEM cartridges.
3. Printing with these ink cartridges worked fine before this week.
Any advice or insight would be appreciated.
The first thing I tried was the cleaning and deep cleaning cycles. This resulted in no change to the photo output results. At this stage, it was frustrating because the nozzle check pattern looked OK at first glance. So I had to keep printing pictures to check the output.
Eventually I noticed that, in the light cyan and light magenta blocks of the test pattern, there were sections with bands in a similar pattern to what I see in the photos. It's weird because the banding does not show up in the entire block. It looks like there are eight adjoining columns printed in the color blocks. The banding appears in the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth columns. Eventually I found a service manual for the IP4000 online. I was able to print the service test pattern which revealed that there was a problem in the light cyan and light magenta. Oddly the pattern for the light cyan and light magenta look identical. They are missing the same lines. The test prints two 4x32 grids for each color. The first grid is missing the horizontal lines in the 12th and 28th column. The second grid is missing the horizontal lines in the 6th and 22nd column.
I checked the FAQ and found the thread on cleaning the printhead and tried the method described by panos in post #4. This did not change the results at all. The service test pattern looked the same as before. There was no change. I then tried again but let the printhead soak on the wet tissue for 30 minutes. Again I saw no change in the service test pattern.
Should I try different cleaning methods? Or is my problem not a clog? I ask because:
1. Any attempts at cleaning have had no effect whatsoever.
2. The light cyan and light magenta are failing in the exact same way.
More possibly relevant info:
1. I have noticed the problem only when printing photos on photo paper. Printing on plain paper looks OK.
2. I use only Canon OEM cartridges.
3. Printing with these ink cartridges worked fine before this week.
Any advice or insight would be appreciated.