Getting Fingers Dirty
This forum is a god send, thanks to all the info I have read here I am about to begin saving a small fortune in ink, thanks
After reading through tons of posts here I took the plunge and ordered some ink and needles and a resetter from the company in germany, I already have needles but these seem a bit big at around 3 mm diameter and are blunt, so will wait untill my order arrives to see if those are smaller.
When I bought this printer I also bought one of those amor compatable kits with a cradle and ink tanks, it was on offer at the time with 2 of each cart making it more cheaper than the canon one, these sadly are running out. The cradle tricks the printer in to thinking its got its own carts in and they do hold more ink. I tried to refill one in the hope it would show as full, not sure how the cradle fools the printer I was hoping it may show a refill as full but it doesnt, its still half empty according to the ink monitor, the German refill method works for these carts too but an not sure of the chip on the amor carts can be reset, its an 8 pin chip with the 4 gold contacts on the back, similar to the canon, I cant as yet find any data online regarding the chip type, though the little pcb does not have any leds on it.
So its on with the refill of the canons and a reset, I think my original carts may have dried out by now, so will either read on the forum about washing them out or use a set of compatable ones and use the canon chip.
If there are any good tips you know to help a newbie with cleaning out some carts befor a refill then I would be gratefull to read them,
martop ( UK )
This forum is a god send, thanks to all the info I have read here I am about to begin saving a small fortune in ink, thanks
After reading through tons of posts here I took the plunge and ordered some ink and needles and a resetter from the company in germany, I already have needles but these seem a bit big at around 3 mm diameter and are blunt, so will wait untill my order arrives to see if those are smaller.
When I bought this printer I also bought one of those amor compatable kits with a cradle and ink tanks, it was on offer at the time with 2 of each cart making it more cheaper than the canon one, these sadly are running out. The cradle tricks the printer in to thinking its got its own carts in and they do hold more ink. I tried to refill one in the hope it would show as full, not sure how the cradle fools the printer I was hoping it may show a refill as full but it doesnt, its still half empty according to the ink monitor, the German refill method works for these carts too but an not sure of the chip on the amor carts can be reset, its an 8 pin chip with the 4 gold contacts on the back, similar to the canon, I cant as yet find any data online regarding the chip type, though the little pcb does not have any leds on it.
So its on with the refill of the canons and a reset, I think my original carts may have dried out by now, so will either read on the forum about washing them out or use a set of compatable ones and use the canon chip.
If there are any good tips you know to help a newbie with cleaning out some carts befor a refill then I would be gratefull to read them,
martop ( UK )